Rules will be displayed in all classrooms in proximity to computer stations.
A School Website
On our School Website:
Children are only referred to by their first names.
Any images of children will not be labelled with their name.
No close-up pictures of children will be made available on line.
Children and teachers will not reveal their personal details, home addresses or telephone numbers on the website.
Children do not have individual e-mail addresses.
Website links selected by teachers may be put on the website for pupils to access outside of school – sites will be previewed and checked regularly.
Parents’/Carers’ permission will be sought to publish pupils work and/or photographs. These will only be published subject to the strict safeguards above.
All reasonable and appropriate steps have been taken to protect pupils. The school recognises that despite employing safety procedures, in some circumstances, the Internet may give children access to undesirable information or images.
Children are regularly reminded that should they encounter inappropriate material on line they must immediately
Should a child or teacher encounter unsuitable material through using the NINE Connect service, this will be reported to C2k via the C2k helpdesk number.
*Policy Review
Internet technology and school use of resources will develop and change with time. It is our intention to revise and up-date our Internet Safety Policy as appropriate and where necessary.
Guidance Material on Internet Safety
DfEE Superhighway Safety Pack
DE Circular 1999/25 – Policy for An Acceptable Use of the Internet in schools.
BECTA information sheet – Acceptable Use of the Internet
Examples of safety rules for children are also available from: