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Пед конфликтологиядан ОРАЛИК НАЗОРАТ САВОЛЛАРИ, mustaqil
e.g. intriguing discoveries - smth new arousing 
p eo p le’s curiosity or interest
1 .
rock - formed from sediment left by
water, ice, or wind
2 . resistant to ________ - not easily or never
becoming or being made worse or weaker
3. server ___________ - networked computer
servers typically used by organizations for the 
remote storage, processing, or distribution of large 
amounts of data
network - a program or system, designed
to imitate the human brain’s method o f functioning
forward - rapid development or
evolution of the research
3 (T2) Listen to the speech about the latest 
achievements in science and complete the 
Curiosity Rover Scans the layers
nucleic acid
4 In groups of four or five, read predictions 
made by scientists for 2020-2040. Discuss 
the probabilities and add some from your field.
1. Blood 
and organs donations will become 
unnecessary with the development of synthetic 
blood and artificial organs made from stem cell 
2. Electric cars will be able to travel 500 km on one 
battery charge.
3. Robots for domestic activities, such as household 
chores or nursing care, will become common.
4. Precision in financial and economic policies will 
significantly reduce economic fluctuations.
5. A manned lunar base will be established.
6. Ship and trains powered by fuel cells will become 
whereas, when, even if, because, though, since,
after, in case, only if, while, before, unless, although,
whether or not, in the event that, as.
Adverb clauses are dependent clauses, they must 
be linked to an independent clause.
6 Fill in the gaps with the appropriate adverb.
1. It began poring over the p a g es,____ it scans the
layers of sedimentary rocks, comprising Mount 
more than 40 years, the subatomic particle
was finally detected.
water is essential to life, people poison it with
chemicals from industry and agriculture.
4. I didn’t stop working until after m idnight_______
I was totally exhausted.
5. We can see the light from the airplane flying high
at n ig h t_____ we hear the plane_____ light travels
faster than sound.
Scale Up 
1 1

7 Match the words a-g and their synonyms 1-7.
a. an expansion
1. a crisis
b. a curvature
2. an enlargement, growth
c. to verify
3. a swing, variation
d. to encompass
4. bending
a blunder
5. to affirm, prove
a fluctuation
6. a fault, mistake, slip
g- a big crunch
7. to include, contain
4 0 )
8 Read and complete the text with the following 
1. Adam Reiss was quite surprised looking through 
the results — the expansion of the universe was not 
decelerating, but accelerating — it was expanding 
faster and faster!
2. However, in 1922 Friedmann published a paper 
where he used Einstein’s original equations 
without the cosmological constant term to show 
that the universe must be dynamical.
It is known that Einstein showed, in his theory 
of general relativity, that gravity is due to the 
curvature o f spacetime.
If the density were above a critical density, the 
universe would continue slowing down in its 
expansion due to the gravitational attraction of 
the galaxies for each other, and the whole universe 
would collapse in a big crunch at some future time.
9 Read the statements and decide if they are 
true (T) or false (F).
1. In the theory of Einstein the gravity owes to the 
curvature o f space 
2. The source of gravitational field had to include 
pressure and mass-energy density.______
3. Einstein proved that exactly pressure caused 
spacetime to b en d .______
4. The gravitational repulsion cannot influence the 
universe expansion.______
The destiny of the universe could be related to a 
slowing down of the expansion ra te ._______
Text by J. Richard Gott (an extract)
The 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics has been 
awarded to Adam Riess, Brian Schmidt, and Saul 
Perlmutter for their discovery o f the accelerating 
expansion of the universe. It is one of the times 
when astronomers have won the Nobel Prize in 
Physics. What does this discovery mean? Why 
is the accelerated expansion o f the universe so
important? a ) ________________ He predicted that
the Sun should bend light rays from distant stars 
passing near it. This effect was observed in 1919 and 
Einstein’s prediction was verified. In developing his 
theory, he realized that the source of the gravitational 
field had to include pressure as well as mass-energy 
density. This is encompassed in something called 
stress-energy. When Einstein worked out the 
equations, they showed how stress-energy caused 
spacetime to curve. His equations guaranteed local 
energy conservation - cosmological constant, b)
_________________It starts with a big bang and
Space itself expands - a remarkable 
concept. Galaxies move apart as the space between 
them expands. Einstein then called the cosmological 
constant his “biggest blunder.” In 1981, Alan 
Guth proposed a theory o f inflation noting that 
there was a quantum vacuum state with a positive 
energy density and a negative pressure causing a 
gravitational repulsion. The gravitational repulsive
1 2
Scale U p

effects of the negative pressure make the overall 
effect of this vacuum energy density and vacuum 
pressure repulsive. It is an accelerated expansion. 
The universe doubles in size every 10-35 seconds. 
Eventually, the quantum vacuum state decays, 
dumping its energy into the form of thermal radiation
- and the big bang Friedmann model takes over, c)
_______________ If the universe was below that
critical density, it would continue expanding forever. 
The fate o f the universe could thus be determined 
today by measuring how fast the expansion of the 
universe was decelerating - how fast its expansion 
rate was slowing down. Two teams led by Saul 
Perlmutter and Brian Schmidt set out to measure the
deceleration of the universe, d ) _____________ The
most likely explanation was that old cosmological 
constant term of Einstein! The two teams came to 
the same conclusion and reported their results in 
1998. As the universe expands, dark energy stays 
at nearly constant energy density and, as the matter 
in the universe thins out, the dark energy begins to 
dominate. Once that occurs, the universe goes from 
an expansion that is slowing down to an expansion 
that is becoming faster and faster. In the future 
we expect the universe to begin to double in size 
approximately every 10 billion years.

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Audio scale up student’s book Course 3 Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education

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