• List of used literature https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacillus_thuringiensis https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/B9780128032657000142
  • Bacillus thuringiensis bakteriyasi asosida preparat tayyorlash texnologiyasi

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    Bacillus thuringiensis bakteriyasi asosida preparat tayyorlash texnologiyasi (2)

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    Drug preparation technology based on Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria
    103.22 Kamoljonova Guluzra
    Anotatsiya: Bacillus thuringiensis bakteriya shtammi asosida olingan biopreparatlarning Phaseolus vulgaris o`simligining biometrik ko`rsatgichlariga va rivojlanishiga ta`siri kuzatilganda bir qancha o`zgarishlar yuzaga kelgan. Ushbu o`zgarishlarning ijobiy tomonlari sifatida uning ildizi, bargi va poyasi kabi vegetativ organlarining tez rivojlanishi, o`simlikning hosilga kirish vaqti va miqdorida o`zgarishlar kuzatildi. Shu asosida tanlangan shtammlarning mahaliy turlarga ta`siri o`rganilib, muqobil variantdagi biopreparatlar tavsiya etildi.
    Аннотация: При наблюдении за влиянием биопрепаратов на основе штамма Bacillus thuringiensis на биометрические показатели и развитие растения Phaseolus vulgaris произошел ряд изменений. В качестве положительных сторон этих изменений отмечено быстрое развитие его вегетативных органов, таких как корень, лист и стебель, изменение сроков и количества поступления растения в урожай. На основании этого изучено влияние выбранных штаммов на местные виды и рекомендованы альтернативные биопрепараты.
    Annotation: When observing the effect of biopreparations based on Bacillus thuringiensis strain on biometric indicators and development of Phaseolus vulgaris plant, several changes occurred. As the positive aspects of these changes, rapid development of its vegetative organs such as root, leaf and stem, changes in the time and amount of the plant entering the harvest were observed. Based on this, the effect of the selected strains on local species was studied, and alternative biopreparations were recommended.
    Kalit so’zlar: Izolyatsiya, Fermentatsiya Spora shakllanishi, Biotesting Stabilizatsiya va saqlash, Qadoqlash
    Ключевые слова: Выделение, Ферментация, Спорообразование, Биотестирование, Стабилизация и хранение, Упаковка.
    Key words: Isolation, Fermentation, Spore formation, Biotesting, Stabilization and storage, Packaging
    Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a Gram-positive, rod-shaped bacterium widely distributed in soil and aquatic environments.
    They are known for their ability to produce protein insecticidal crystals that are toxic to certain insects.
    These crystals, called d-endotoxins, became the basis for the creation of various drugs with antimicrobial, antifungal, anticancer and immunomodulatory effects.
    Production steps:
    Cultivation: Bt strains are grown in nutrient-rich liquid culture media under optimal conditions of temperature, pH, and aeration.
    Harvesting: After the desired cell concentration is reached, the bacteria are separated from the culture medium by centrifugation or filtration.
    Purification: The resulting Bt cells are further purified to remove impurities such as lipopolysaccharides and other cellular components that may cause side effects .
    Lysis: Purified Bt cells are destroyed by mechanical or enzymatic methods to release d-endotoxin crystals.
    Crystal purification: d-endotoxin crystals are separated from cell debris and other impurities using various methods such as filtration, centrifugation, and chromatography.
    Formulation: Purified d-endotoxin crystals are produced in dosage forms such as solutions, suspensions, capsules or tablets depending on the intended route of administration.
    Insecticides: Bt d-endotoxin crystals are used as bioinsecticides to control insect pests in agriculture, horticulture and forestry.
    Antimicrobial agents: Some Bt strains produce antimicrobial peptides that can be effective against antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections.
    Antifungals: Bt d-endotoxin crystals also show activity against fungal infections such as candidiasis and aspergillosis.
    Anticancer drugs: Studies have shown that Bt d-endotoxin crystals may have antitumor activity by stimulating the immune system and inducing apoptosis (death) of cancer cells.
    Immunomodulators: Bt d-endotoxin crystals can stimulate the immune system by increasing the activity of macrophages and other immune cells.
    Biodegradability: Bt-based medicines are biodegradable and do not harm the environment.
    High specificity: Bt d-endotoxin crystals are toxic only to certain types of insects, without affecting beneficial insects and other animals.
    Low toxicity to humans: Bt d-endotoxin crystals are generally considered safe for humans and animals when used as directed.
    Wide range of applications: Bt-based drugs have the potential to be used in the treatment of various diseases, including infections, cancer and autoimmune diseases.
    Production of drugs based on Bacillus thuringiensis is a promising direction of modern medicine.
    Because of their unique properties, such as biodegradability, high specificity, and low toxicity, Bt preparations can become valuable tools for combating various diseases, as well as for environmental protection.
    It should be noted that research in this area is still ongoing and more trials are needed to fully assess the safety and efficacy of Bt drugs.
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    Bacillus thuringiensis bakteriyasi asosida preparat tayyorlash texnologiyasi

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