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Bog'liq Majmua bolalarni makt tay 23- 24Glossary
1.Pedagogy-Science of the upbringing and education of a person.
2. Perfection-Meaning • the highest degree, the limit of any positive quality, ability.
3. Education is a practical pedagogical process aimed at the formation of certain physical, mental, moral and spiritual qualities in a person.
4. Competence - I achieve, I am worthy, I am worthy.
5. Improvement, achievement - the direction of ethics, considering perfection as an ideal.
6. Thinking is the highest stage of human knowledge; the process of cognition of the surrounding real world is a tool for cognition of the environment
7. Memory - long-term and stable storage of information.
8. Emotion - a person's experiences arising from attitudes towards things and events of reality, towards people and towards oneself.
9.Children's creativity - observation, self-control, the formation of a sense of community in children.
One of the types of theatrical art
10.Theatrical activity is an activity that develops the speech of children.
11.Stage games are a kind of children's independent creative play
12.Creative play is play that develops the creativity of children.
13.Theatrical games are games based on images, colors and sounds.
14.A puppet theater is one of the means of moral and aesthetic education of children.
15.Shadow theater is theater played on the wrong side of the fabric.
16.Table theater is theater on the table
17.Manual puppet theater is a kind of theater in which the heroes of fairy tales play in captivity.
18.Finger puppet theater - puppets play with their fingers
19.A puppet is a theater in which puppets are tied with ropes, wires and ropes
Cut and Paste Application Tool
20.Origami is the process of making paper toys.
21.Papé-mâché method - crumpled, crumpled paper
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