Mobile commerce tech trends to keep your eye on
Mobile commerce has begun to carve out a significant niche in the financial world. The technology
continuing to improve, further fueling this explosion in a new form of commerce.
The rise of
Bitcoin and its associated cryptocurrencies has brought with it a slew of startups that are attempting
to apply the technologies undergirding these coins to everyday commerce.
Because of estimates that the mobile commerce industry will nearly double in only 4 years, this
industry is one that investors will certainly want to keep your eye on. As the technology powering
these transactions continues to develop new and interesting
solutions for mobile commerce, here are
6 trends you should pay your attention.
Blockchain is coming to mobile commerce
Outside of crypto, blockchain technology offers the possibility to transfer information quickly and
securely thanks to a decentralized ledger that is powered by smart contracts. Since blockchain has
an edge in both security and speed when compared to traditional types of monetary transfers, expect
the technology to have a major impact on the mobile commerce industry.
Security will increase across the board
New advances in technology have allowed new types of security measures
to be implemented in
mobile commerce platforms. For the first time, this puts the industry in a situation where users trust
the platforms as they would concrete establishments.
Millennials are digitally fluent, making them unafraid of secure platforms that would have scared
off older, “digitally naïve” consumers. With the possibility of further security through blockchain,
expect that trust among mobile consumers will rise considerably in future.