Web Research
Surfing the web, trace the history of cryptography and cryptanalysis.
Research the
phenomena given below which relate to the origin and development of modern cryptology.
Reconstructed ancient Greek
, an early cipher
One of the variants of
the Nazi Enigma
machine, the late 1920s
Alan Turing and his code-breaking
Speaking Test
Discuss with your partner what you should do to keep your information safe? Make a list of
recommendations how to provide secure online communication, to prevent data theft and to
minimize the risks of vulnerabilities in the Cloud.
Dwell on the issue why the study of data storage security is so topical nowadays?
Substantiate your idea in class.
Describe the phenomenon ‘crypto wars’. Say whether individuals and organizations should
hide their personal and corporate secrets in a battle with government officials or ‘unlock
their keys’ in the cases of threats to public safety.
Characterize the latest improvements to the encryption and decryption of secure voice calls
and text messages.
Indicate and give characteristics of the mainstreams in the history of cryptology.