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    CultureTalk Uzbekistan Video Transcripts: http://langmedia.fivecolleges.edu

    Bukhoro State University

    Uzbek transcript:
    Q: Xo’sh, Buxoro davlat Universiteti haqida nima deb bilasiz, katta univeristetmi, qancha talaba bor, qanday yo’nalishlar bo’yicha o’qitiladi?
    M: O’zi Buxoroda bir ta universitet bor. Univeristetimiz juda katta, maydoni ham katta, ko’plab binolar bor, o’qish binolari, fakultetlar endi bir nechta, bizga, agrar, iqtisod, rus filologi, filologiya fakulteti, ximiya-biologiya fakulteti, endi juda ko’plab fakultetlar bor, hamda shu bilishimcha shu yilda yana turizm fakulteti ham ochildi. Chunki turizm bizni mamlakatimizda rivojlanmoqda. Va endi studentlar, rostni aytsam xato qilishga qo’rqaman, balkim besh mingdir, balkim bundan ko’pdir, kop bo’lsa kerak, hmm
    Q: Tushunarli, umuman, Buxoroda bundan tashqari oily o’quv yurtlar yo’qmi?
    M: Bor, bizda med.institut bor, keyin texnoligiya instututi bor.
    Q: Nima uchun aynan shu universitetni tanlagansiz?
    M: h, endi, bilmadim, med.institut bu endi shifokorlarni chiqaradi. Shifokor bo’lish niyatim bor ediyu albatta, lekin yeti yil o’qish niyatim yo’q edi. Texnologiya, texnologiyada menimcha metamatikasiz bo’lmaydi, va shuning uchun universitetda bir ta in.yaz1 bor, shuning uchun universitetga keldim.
    Q: Kelajakdagi, kelajakda qanday rejalaringiz bor
    M: Rejalarim ko’p, doim reja qilaman biron narsani, avvalambor shu univeristetni tugab, diplomimni olib, keyin bir o’qishni davom ettirmoqchiman. Hozir agar bakalavr diplomiga ega bo’lsam, keyin magistraturada o’qimoqchiman, lekin magistraturani man chet el davlatida o’qimoqchiman. Endi bizni o’qish sistemamizni man bilaman, shuning uchun ko’rmoqchiman qanday boshqa davlatlarda o’qitiladi.
    Q: Xo’sh, O’zbekistondagi o’quv sistemasi haqida gapirib bersangiz, ta’lim sohasi haqida.
    M: Endi o’zi hozigi paytda ta’lim sohasi ozgina almashgan. Hozirgi paytda bolalar 9-sinfni tugab, yoki litsey yoki kolleglarga boradi. Endi litseyga borgan talabalar attestat oladi va endi o’qishlarini davom etterishlari mumkin, universitetda yoki boshqa oliy o’quv yurtida, kollejni esa tugatgan talabalar, odatda, endi bironta kasb-hunari bo’ladi, diplomga ham ega bo’ladi. Ular, masalan kollejni tugab, bironta ish topishlari mumkin.
    Q: Siz qayerda o’qigansiz?
    M: Men litseyda o’qiganman.

    English translation:
    K: Well, what can you say about Bukhoro State University? Is it a big university? How many students are there? What majors are there?
    M: Bukhoro has only one University. Our university is very big. The campus is very big. [It] has many buildings, academic buildings, departments…several. We have Agrarian, Economics, Russian Philology, Philology department, Chemistry -Biology department… Well, there are very many departments, and as I know this year they are opening a new Tourism department as well; because tourism is developing in our country. And the students, to tell the truth I am afraid to make a mistake, maybe there are five thousand, maybe more than that…it must be more, hmmm…
    K: I see, in fact, are there no higher education institutions in Bukhoro?
    M: There are, we have a medical institute. Then there is a technological institute.
    K: Why did you choose the University?
    M: Hmm, well, I do not know, medical institute prepares doctors. Becoming a teacher, I wanted of course… but I did not have the intention to study for seven years. Technology [institute], it think impossible to go there without Mathematics [knowledge of math], and that’s why, only university has foreign languages, that’s why I came to the university.
    K: In the future, your plans for the future?
    M: I have a lot of plans, I always make some plans. First of all graduating from the university and getting my diploma. Then I want to continue my education. Now I will have my bachelor’s degree and then I want to study for my Master’s, but I want to get my Master’s abroad. I know our educational system, that’s why I want to try how it is in other countries.
    K: Well, could you tell us about the education system in Uzbekistan? The sphere of education?
    M: Nowadays the education system has changed a bit. Now children finish ninth grade and they go either to lyceums or colleges. Well, the students who go to lyceums get certificates and can continue their education at the university or other higher educational institutions. The students who finish colleges, usually, they learn some trade and get a diploma too. They, for example, after graduating from college, can get a job.
    K: Where did you study?

    M: I studied at the lyceum.

    About CultureTalk: CultureTalk is produced by the Five College Center for the Study of World Languages and housed on the LangMedia Website. The project provides students of language and culture with samples of people talking about their lives in the languages they use everyday. The participants in CultureTalk interviews and discussions are of many different ages and walks of life. They are free to express themselves as they wish. The ideas and opinions presented here are those of the participants. Inclusion in CultureTalk does not represent endorsement of these ideas or opinions by the Five College Center for the Study of World Languages, Five Colleges, Incorporated, or any of its member institutions: Amherst College, Hampshire College, Mount Holyoke College, Smith College and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
    © 2003-2008 Five College Center for the Study of World Languages and Five Colleges, Incorporated

    1 In.yaz - Иностранный Язык, Chet Tillar fakulteti rus tilida.

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    Bukhoro State University Uzbek transcript

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