• Abstract Keywords . Academic plagiarism, academic misconduct , anti-plagiarism software , legal framework Introduction .
  • Legal Consequence of Plagiarism in Academic Writing. Shahobidinova O’g’iloy G’ayratjon qizi

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    rewrite Plagiarism
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    Legal Consequence of Plagiarism in Academic Writing.
    Shahobidinova O’g’iloy G’ayratjon qizi
    Student of Kokand university, Business and education faculty,
    foreign languages department
    oshahobidinova@gmail.com, +998333580318
    Muxammadodil Matkomilovich Madumarov
    Teacher of Kokand university, Business and education faculty,
    foreign languages department
    mamatin2010@yahoo.com, +998 91 687 33 83


    Keywords .
    Academic plagiarism, academic misconduct , anti-plagiarism software , legal framework
    Introduction .
    Plagiarism stands out as a prevalent issue in today's academic landscape. The publishing realm is witnessing the emergence of numerous misconceptions, contributing to a bewildering outlook among researchers and academicians. Various forms of plagiarism, often disregarded, underscore the importance of raising awareness among scholars. Addressing this issue is crucial, and there is a pressing need to implement strategies to prevent engagement in plagiarism activities. Researchers must exercise caution when preparing and submitting their research for publication. Utilizing anti-plagiarism software to scrutinize their work is essential to avoid potential complications. The internet's evolution has facilitated the ease and frequency of plagiarism. However, embracing this technology can help individuals comprehend the concepts and consequences associated with such activities. In the contemporary era, numerous plagiarism detection tools are accessible both commercially and freely online, offering researchers a convenient means to safeguard their work from such misconduct. Plagiarism remains a significant concern in today's age of the internet. Even when software such as ‘Turnitin’ is produced to detect plagiarism, it is still easier for everyone to cheat and plagiarize anything with the aid of the internet (Mohd Zain et al., 2021)
    In academia, plagiarism is generally regarded as a grave and intricate matter, extending to the faculty level . The problem can be better dealt with if all concerned parties are willing to take proper and proactive activities (Sonfield, 2014)
    To improve the quality of life, academics must delve into a more profound comprehension of academic integrity. Generally, integrity is a fundamental personal value, distinct from one's intelligence and energy. In educational settings, it distinctly reflects the honesty of both students and academics, playing a significant role in shaping their overall reputation.
    This study aims to unravel the intricate tapestry of legal consequences associated with plagiarism, examining the diverse approaches taken by legal systems in different jurisdictions. By dissecting case studies, legislative frameworks, and scholarly discourse, we seek to provide a comprehensive analysis of the evolving legal landscape pertaining to plagiarism in academic writing. Through this exploration, we aim to contribute to the ongoing dialogue on the intersections between academia, ethics, and the law, fostering a deeper understanding of the mechanisms employed to address and deter plagiarism in educational settings.

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    Legal Consequence of Plagiarism in Academic Writing. Shahobidinova O’g’iloy G’ayratjon qizi

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