Communication Networks and the Internet Digital L
bet | 3/5 | Sana | 19.03.2017 | Hajmi | 108,82 Kb. | | #364 |
Protecting Your Computer
9. How can you protect your computer?
Theft & Privacy
10. Tips on using passwords:
___Never write you’re your password; use unique passwords_____________________
b) ___Use at least 7 characters; use letters from a phrase_______________________
c) __Include punctuations or symbols; use upper and lower case letters_____________
11. What is hacking? __Finding a weakness in a computer or computer network with the objective of doing damage or stealing personal information.______
12. What is the penalty for hacking? _____Fine or imprisonment depending on the seriousness_
13. How do hackers cost business money? ____downtime___ and___loss of data__________.
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