Communication Networks and the Internet Digital L
bet | 4/5 | Sana | 19.03.2017 | Hajmi | 108,82 Kb. | | #364 |
Internet Controls
14. Name and describe three types of controls to protect internet users:
a) __Firewalls: forms a barrier between networks_______________
b) _ Filters: controls what can be viewed in the Internet_________
c) __Parental Controls: Software allows parents to control what kids do on the Internet__
Freeware & Shareware
15. What is Freeware? ___Copyrighted software which is made available for use free of charge_for an unlimited time__
16. How is Shareware different than Freeware? _There is an eventual charge for the use of the software. The user may “try it out” for a certain period of time without charge.__Viruses & Destructive Programs
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