Custom Audio Effects in Windows Vista Custom Audio Effects in Windows Vista
bet | 16/28 | Sana | 22.07.2021 | Hajmi | 0,57 Mb. | | #15720 |
After the sAPOs are inserted in the graph, the graph builder initializes them. An sAPO must export IAudioSystemEffects, an interface that identifies the sAPO as an audio effect. If the query for IAudioSystemEffects is successful, the graph builder fills out the initialization structure, APOInitSystemEffects, and passes it to the sAPO’s Initialize method. The structure includes the following data:
An IPropertyStore interface pointer for the device endpoint’s property store.
An IPropertyStore interface pointer for the audio effect’s property store.
A string that contains the device’s PnP hardware ID.
An IMMDeviceCollection object that contains IMMDevice interface pointers to several objects.
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