E- conference s e r I e s premium best q uality guaran tee serviceBog'liq Italy Econference Series Nov 2023 package
Proceedings of International Educators Conference
Hosted online from Rome, Italy.
Date: 25
Nov., 2023
ISSN: 2835-396X Website: econferenceseries.com
One of the leaders in the field of digitalization of law is China. Since 2013, the
integration of Internet technologies into the court process, the conduct of court
proceedings online, and the support of process participants with software using
artificial intelligence began to develop actively in China
. FaXiaotao computer
software analyzes similar court cases based on the given facts, organizes the
decisions made and calculates the probability of winning a particular case. In
addition, the functionality of this program allows the client to find lawyers
specializing in a certain field and provide legal advice at the initial stage of the legal
As technological progress in the field of artificial intelligence becomes a hot topic
around the world, people are wondering whether the development of artificial
intelligence will affect the legal system.
Artificial intelligence programs are used in police work in many countries. For
example, facial recognition technology is widely used in public places and
transportation hubs such as airports, train stations, and subway stations. They can
automatically capture dynamic images of faces and compare them to images in law
enforcement databases. Such computer programs play an important role in the
activities of investigative bodies, prosecutor's office, police, security service, and
law enforcement services. An example of a computer program based on machine
learning is the PredPol system
TAccording to our research, in the UK, Canada and the US, these are startups
Premonitiom, Case Crunch and Court Quant, whose non-result analysis is provided by
Ravel, and which includes decisions by judges and US law firms. can be used to check
the operation. This, in turn, makes it possible to make a partial legal assessment of the
situation and draw a conclusion. But these advanced legal technologies can also lead to
many wrong decisions. Therefore, a legal analysis of the results of such programs by a
Leverton. An MRI software company // URL: https://leverton.ai/product/#technology (
дата обращения:
Непейвода Н. Правосудие на кончиках пальцев: опьт КНР // Закон.ру. Первая социальная сеть для юристов.
2020. 2 мая. URL: https://zakon.ru/blog/2020/5/2/pravosudie_na_konchikah_palcev_opyt_knr_83633 (дата
обращения: 04.07.2022).
Lu Xinshe. The legal robot is here! «Fa Xiaotao» on-site Miaoshou lawyer shocked the audience // URL: https://
www.programmersought.com/article/60525400581/ (
дата обращения: 04.07.2022).
Li J., Liu U., Yue L., Jin F., Xu Q., Xu C. Artificial Intelligence Governed by Laws and regulations // Reconstructing
Our Orders: Artificial Intelligence and Human Society / ed. D. Jin. Shanghai : Shanghai University Press, Springer,
2019. 7 May. P. 64.
PredPol. The Predictive Policing Company // URL: www.predpol.com (
дата обращения: 04.07.2022).
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