Eis action Research project
bet | 7/16 | Sana | 23.12.2020 | Hajmi | 1,92 Mb. | | #12936 |
2. Research questions
The research questions for the current action research project have being formed around the initial interest on the nature deficit disorder and the parental contribution in the development of a positive relationship with the local outdoors. The methodology and research tools used in the current project are linked to the research questions or hypotheses and translated in a specific manner appropriate to the purposes of the study. According to Berelson (1971) there are five main sections to analyse a communication: the word, the subject, the persons, the measure of time or space and all the available material. The current study attempts to examine:
Which are the barriers that parents/ carers have when it comes to accessing the local outdoors?
Do the pupils’ positive experiences (communicated with parents/carers) have the potential to help individuals overcome these barriers?
3. Methodology
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