Eis action Research project
bet | 10/16 | Sana | 23.12.2020 | Hajmi | 1,92 Mb. | | #12936 |
Outdoor learning – The participants are asked to indicate how important they consider that learning in the outdoors is in education and how regular they think pupils should have access to outdoor learning experiences.
Access to local outdoors – parents are asked to indicate to what degree being outdoors is an important aspect of child development and to what extend there are outdoor spaces accessible for them and their children in their local area. Moreover, parents are asked to say whether they are aware of the term “nature deficit disorder” and its implications.
Frequency - in this section the parents/carers are asked to express the frequency in which their children access the local outdoor spaces.
Sustainability - this area explores the parents/carers’ understanding and knowledge of the term sustainability and what it entails.
After the pupils experiencing the local outdoor spaces and the intervention ended, a second questionnaire has been distributed to the parents/ carers. The main categories have remained the same apart from a new category added. This category attempted to explore whether there has been a change in accessing the local outdoor areas compared to the initial responses on the baseline questionnaires. In detail, this area attempted to determine if the parents/carers appreciate that by developing a positive relationship with the outdoors can benefit the growth of respect for nature or if visiting the local outdoor spaces has increased or it is likely to increase in the near future.
The pupils have visited three outdoor areas that are located in the school’s local area. The demographic information of the students show that they are living in the school’s broader area, a fact that qualify these outdoor spaces as accessible. The students that participated in this project have been encouraged after visiting those local outdoor spaces to reflect upon their experience and discuss about them with their parent/ carer at home. This has been the key component of the current action research project as these experiences of the pupils, which have been mainly positive, were transferred to the parents.
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