• 38 What does ‘This’ refer to in the seventh paragraph A the Lapita’s seafaring talent B the Lapita s ability to detect signs of land C
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    Questions 36-39 
    According to the writer, there are difficulties explaining how the Lapita accomplished their journeys because 
    the canoes that have been discovered offer relatively few clues. 
    archaeologists have shown limited interest in this area of research. 
    little information relating to this period can be relied upon for accuracy. 
    technological advances have altered the way such achievements are viewed. 
    37 According to the sixth paragraph, what was extraordinary about the Lapita? 
    They sailed beyond the point where land was visible. 
    Their cultural heritage discouraged the expression of fear. 
    They were able to build canoes that withstood ocean voyages. 
    Their navigational skills were passed on from one generation to the next. 
    38 What does ‘This’ refer to in the seventh paragraph? 
    the Lapita’s seafaring talent 
    the Lapita s ability to detect signs of land 
    the Lapita’s extensive knowledge of the region 
    the Lapita’s belief they would be able to return 
    39 According to the eighth paragraph, how was the geography of the region significant? 
    It played an important role in Lapita culture. 
    It meant there were relatively few storms at sea. 
    It provided a navigational aid for the Lapita. 
    It made a large number of islands habitable.

    When evolution runs backwards
    Evolution isn’t supposed to run backwards - yet an increasing number of examples show that it does and that it 
    can sometimes represent the future of a species.
    The description of any animal as an ‘evolutionary throwback’ is controversial. For the better part of a century, 
    most biologists have been reluctant to use those words, mindful of a principle of evolution that says ‘evolution 
    cannot run backwards. But as more and more examples come to light and modern genetics enters the scene, 
    that principle is having to be rewritten. Not only are evolutionary throwbacks possible, they sometimes play an 
    important role in the forward march of evolution.
    The technical term for an evolutionary throwback is an ‘atavism’, from the Latin atavus, meaning forefather. 
    The word has ugly connotations thanks largely to Cesare Lombroso, a 19th-century Italian medic who argued 
    that criminals were born not made and could be identified by certain physical features that were throwbacks to 
    a primitive, sub-human state. 
    While Lombroso was measuring criminals, a Belgian palaeontologist called Louis Dollo was 
    studying fossil records and coming to the opposite conclusion. In 1890 he proposed that evolution was 
    irreversible: that ‘an organism is unable to return, even partially, to a previous stage already realised in the 
    ranks of its ancestors. Early 20th-century biologists came to a similar conclusion, though they qualified it in 
    terms of probability, stating that there is no reason why evolution cannot run backwards -it is just 
    very unlikely. And so the idea of irreversibility in evolution stuck and came to be known as ‘Dollo’s law. 
    If Dollo’s law is right, atavisms should occur only very rarely, if at all. Yet almost since the idea took root, 
    exceptions have been cropping up. In 1919, for example, a humpback whale with a pair of leglike appendages 
    over a metre long, complete with a full set of limb bones, was caught off Vancouver Island in Canada. 
    Explorer Roy Chapman Andrews argued at the time that the whale must be a throwback to a land-living 
    ancestor. ‘I can see no other explanation, he wrote in 1921. 
    Since then, so many other examples have been discovered that it no longer makes sense to say that evolution is 
    as good as irreversible. And this poses a puzzle: how can characteristics that disappeared millions of years ago 
    suddenly reappear?
    In 1994, Rudolf Raff and colleagues at Indiana University in the USA decided to use genetics to put a number 
    on the probability of evolution going into reverse. They reasoned that while some evolutionary 
    changes involve the loss of genes and are therefore irreversible, others may be the result of genes being 
    switched off. If these silent genes are somehow switched back on, they argued, longlost traits could reappear. 
    Raff’s team went on to calculate the likelihood of it happening. Silent genes accumulate random mutations, 
    they reasoned, eventually rendering them useless. So how long can a gene survive in a species if it is no longer 
    used? The team calculated that there is a good chance of silent genes surviving for up to 6 million years in at 
    least a few individuals in a population, and that some might survive as long as 10 million years. In other 
    words, throwbacks are possible, but only to the relatively recent evolutionary past. 
    As a possible example, the team pointed to the mole salamanders of Mexico and California. Like most 
    amphibians these begin life in a juvenile ‘tadpole’ state, then metamorphose into the adult form – except for 
    one species, the axolotl, which famously lives its entire life as a juvenile. The simplest explanation for this is 
    that the axolotl lineage alone lost the ability to metamorphose, while others retained it. From a detailed 
    analysis of the salamanders’ family tree, however, it is clear that the other lineages evolved from an ancestor 
    that itself had lost the ability to metamorphose. In other words, metamorphosis in mole salamanders is an 
    atavism. The salamander example fits with Raff’s 10million-year time frame. 

    More recently, however, examples have been reported that break the time limit, suggesting that silent genes 
    may not be the whole story. In a paper published last year, biologist Gunter Wagner of Yale University 
    reported some work on the evolutionary history of a group of South American lizards called Bachia. Many of 
    these have minuscule limbs; some look more like snakes than lizards and a few have completely lost the toes 
    on their hind limbs. Other species, however, sport up to four toes on their hind legs. The simplest explanation 
    is that the toed lineages never lost their toes, but Wagner begs to differ. According to his analysis of the Bachia 
    family tree, the toed species re-evolved toes from toeless ancestors and, what is more, digit loss and gain has 
    occurred on more than one occasion over tens of millions of years. 
    So what’s going on? One possibility is that these traits are lost and then simply reappear, in much the same 
    way that similar structures can independently arise in unrelated species, such as the dorsal fins of sharks and 
    killer whales. Another more intriguing possibility is that the genetic information needed to make toes somehow 
    survived for tens or perhaps hundreds of millions of years in the lizards and was reactivated. These atavistic 
    traits provided an advantage and spread through the population, effectively reversing evolution. 
    But if silent genes degrade within 6 to million years, how can long-lost traits be reactivated over longer 
    timescales? The answer may lie in the womb. Early embryos of many species develop ancestral features. 
    Snake embryos, for example, sprout hind limb buds. Later in development these features disappear thanks to 
    developmental programs that say ‘lose the leg’. If for any reason this does not happen, the 
    ancestral feature may not disappear, leading to an atavism.

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