and je lly and we often eat it w ith some cream . Trifle is really easy to make because it doesn't
actu a lly need cooking. Um firs t of all, you cut up some cake into slices and then you put the
slices of cake into a bowl. Some people like to cover the cake in sh e rry otherw ise it can go a
bit hard. Next you need to chop up some fru it but you can’t use ju s t any fru it;
it m ust be be rrie s
such as stra w b e rrie s, ra sp be rries o r b lackberries. A fte r covering the cake w ith berries, you
need to make some je lly and pour th is over the fru it. When the je lly has cooled it ’s
tim e to add
custard. You can use a tin of custard but it ’s b e tte r to make your own - people can always te ll
the difference. Finally, add the cream. It's best to only use a little cream because trifle is quite
rich. And then put a few rasp be rries on the top fo r decoration. I love it because of the m ix of
fru it and sweet custard.