Tracks 2 4 -2 8
and com m unication, we w ould know a lot less about oth e r cultures, and I th in k that
w ould be a pity.
How has globalization benefited people in your country?
It's made a really big difference to how people in my country see them selves in
relation to other countries. And I th in k that people w ill see more benefits in the
future if they continue to be open-m inded about it.
What are the consequences of allow ing large companies to se ll th e ir products a ll
over the w orld?
I th in k it's great. I know some people th in k th a t it's negative but I don’t. I th in k
th a t everyone should have the o p p o rtu n ity to grow th e ir company. A ll com panies
started s m a ll but if you make good products, people w ill buy them . If th e re ’d been
s tric t law s against in te rn a tio n a l trade, the w orld econom y w o u ld n ’t have grown
as much and everyone w o u ld ’ve suffered.
Unit 15 Culture and modern society
Track 27
Well, my best friend once gave me some really good advice when I was younger. I used to w o rry a
lot about my appearance when I was a teenager and it made me feel unconfident. I often thought
people were staring at me and thinking that I looked bad. Once, one of my classm ates asked me
where I had bought my clothes and I thought it was a c riticism . My friend told me not to w orry
about the way I looked. She said that a ll teenagers fe lt that way and recomm ended concentrating
on having fun instead. It was quite d iffic u lt but I trie d to focus more on studying and my hobbies.
A fte r a w hile I fe lt better and my parents said th a t I had changed and become more outgoing. I
was really pleased w ith this and as a result my confidence increased even more. So, I th in k yes
I w ould give th is advice to other teenagers. A lthough it ’s d iffic u lt advice to follow , I th in k it can
really help young people who are going through a hard tim e. It’s really im po rta n t to be positive
and understand that this period of your life involves lots of changes in your personality but that in
the end you w ill feel fine.