im portant to keep up m otivation levels and exercising w ith other people can be
a good way to do this. And don’t forget about the local park. It is a great place to
exercise fo r free. Som etim es parks provide a running tra ck o r other com m unal
facilities, a ll of which are free to use.
Unit 18 Film and entertainment
Track 29
Thank you fo r coming to this ta lk on the A ustralian Film Institute, or AFI as most of us know it.
We pride ourselves on the w ork we have done over the last 50 years, and I hope to let you know
how we w ill keep prom oting and developing this great country's film industry. I’m going to start
by giving you a little bit of history about the AFI, then I’ll go on to te ll you about the w ork w e ’re
involved in at the m oment, and then te ll you a little bit about w hat the futu re holds fo r the AFI.
So, le t’s sta rt at the beginning. 1958 is an im portant date in our history, as it was when the
Institute was founded. Since then, we have been w orking continuously fo r the follow ing purpose;
to promote film and television in A ustralia. I th in k however our celebrated film and television
awards are w hat we at the AFI are most w e ll known for, which do indeed fu lfill our aim s of
prom otion of the industry. In fact, we th in k these awards have also elevated the standards of
Australian film since th e ir inception in the sixties. We're incredibly proud of them.
The awards became so popular that we expanded them . In 1986, TV categories were added
to the list of prestigious awards we offered. The awards have grown in popularity and status
over the years, and there is no doubt that we are one of the leading film and television award
cerem onies in the country. We have ju st recently held o u r 50th anniversary, which took place at
M elbourne's Princess Theatre. Some big names in the film and television industry were there
and it was a real celebration of success.
Now, this leads me up to our present work...