Tracks 2 1 -2 3
Track 23
How did they know the fossils were from dinosaurs? Surely they couldn't have
identified them so easily w h ils t on the expedition?
But that's the im portant point. This team were not ju s t explorers but also scientists.
In order to make the trip more useful, they took scientific equipm ent to analyse
anything they found so they were able to identify the dinosaur fossils correctly.
It's good to make this clear if your project is supposed to be about the im portance
of scientific expeditions ra th e r than exploratory ones.
So am I rig h t to think that the Robertson expedition took longer as a result of the
Well, they should have taken longer because they were conducting a lot of
experim ents but modern technology enabled them to do the experim ents and reach
the su m m it in under fo u r weeks. In fact they arrived at the top on day 26 of the trip .
Hi Penny. Hi Terry. [Hellos] How are you both getting on w ith your natural disaster
essays? I can’t believe we a ll chose the same subject of earthquakes! I've found it
really interesting.
Yes, it is interesting Andrew, but I could have made the topic narrower. There is so
much to cover. It's really hard to organize the inform ation I’ve found.
Ah, but that ju s t gives you more to w rite about. I’d ra th e r have too much m a te ria l
than not enough! I th in k Andrew is right. I’ve found the topic fascinating too!
Maybe. I'm not so sure Terry. Andrew, how have you done on the statistics
research? That’s what you were researching when I last saw you.
It’s been interesting, but I had to look really hard fo r relevant inform ation.
But you found some in the end?
Yes, I’ve got lots of statistics on past earthquakes and where the plates are more
That’s great! I've been w orking on plate movement. I th in k by adding this to my
essay I’ll have a really good foundation of how earthquakes come about.
I was looking at future earthquake predictions, but I did n ’t find much inform ation
actually. I should have focused more on how earthquakes are scientifically
identified and measured. I th in k th a t w ould have been more relevant.
That's a shame. Well, why don't we compare some of the inform ation we've found?
It m ight a ll give us some ideas of w hat to read next!
Well, it tu rn s out that many earthquakes could have been predicted according to
the frequency of past earthquakes in the area.
Really, th a t’s not what I found out at all. I th in k you should go back and check that.
I don’t know - maybe I should.
Well, my research looks p a rticu la rly at how convergence and divergence of the
plates causes movement of the Earth. We som etim es forget that the planet is
not a s till object but actually it is constantly moving. This causes things like new
seas, m ountains, and earthquakes. The whole w orld is moving! Terry, did n ’t your
research find anything?
U nfortunately not. I th in k I need to research another area as I couldn’t see any
evidence of earthquakes being predictable.
Well, I can also show you w hat I’ve got and maybe that w ill help.