Is crim e always linked to poverty?
Not always. Although I th in k th a t some crim e is because of poverty, there are other
factors w hich we ought to consider. For example, plain greed, laziness, m ental
illness and personal problem s could also contribute to some crim es. We
can look
at things like crim es of passion or fraud which are not always com m itted
due to
poverty as examples.
Unit 13 The planet
Track 21
Track 22
Hi everyone. So, let’s get started on our essay. Mark, have you done the research from
last week?
Well, yes and no. I was trying to follow up on the suggestions from the lecture and I
searched the lib ra ry fo r books and jou rn a ls. But I couldn’t find anything relevant to
o u r topic.
Well, maybe you were too late. We got the essay title two weeks ago so other
students m ight have taken out a ll the books already.
Yes, I guess so.
It doesn’t sound likely to me. A ll the books couldn’t have been taken out - there's
lots of books about astronom y in the main library.
Well, there was one book but I couldn’t borrow it because it’s a reference only book.
Mm. We should have started this project earlier. What are we going to do now?
The other students m ust have been very keen to sta rt! Well, don’t worry. Why don’t
we ju s t reserve the books we want? I’ve found some articles we can sta rt reading
now and then w e 'll be more focused fo r when the other students return the books
we need.
So Abi, can Helen and I show you our presentation to see if you th in k it's okay?
Of course, no problem.
Thanks a lot. Okay firs t of all, w e're going to show the explorers’ route on the map
here and explain w hat happened on the expedition by highlighting some key events.
And we th in k it's im portant to m ention th a t the expedition started quite badly. You
see the original base camp had to be moved. The original plan was to sta rt from
the tree line at the bottom of the m ountain but the explorers couldn’t set up camp
there because of the rain so they moved higher up.
The idea is to highlight the im portance of planning in exploratory expeditions. The
Robertson team should have known that they couldn’t have started from the tree
line in the rainy season.
Yes, they really should have checked that!
In the end the camp was set up on the edge of the snow line. Okay, so moving on,
Joan Robertson and her team found several new plant species on the low er slopes
of the peak and when they were halfway up the mountain they came across some
fossils which they worked out were from dinosaurs.