1. Start the GG Administrator Tool. You will use the Import Wizard in the Administrator Tool to complete these next steps.
2. Follow the instructions in the Import Wizard Cookbook for preparing your local data for importing to GG using the Import Wizard.
For examples of sample data, refer to the spreadsheets at http://www.grin-global.org/index.php/Training There is a zip file listed under the Training Exercises section, in the table’s fourth row, that contains all of the sample .csv files.
| Load the Data into Your Remote MySQL Database Server
1. Backup the MySQL GRIN-Global database from your localhost Windows server.
2. Copy the backup file over to your remote MySQL database and restore it there.
Modify the Database Connection Used by the Middle Tier Web Services
In this step, you will use the GG Admin Tool to point to your new remote database.
1. Start the Admin Tool.
2. Click on the Web Application branch; select DataManager (Connection String).
3. Modify the Connection String box to point to your remote server. To do so, click the Provider dropdown box; select the database type that matches the target remote database engine type. Then click the Connection String Creator… button.
Complete the fields on the Database Connection window to generate the correct Connection String text. Click the Save and Continue button when complete. (Each database engine type has its respective Database Connection window. The one shown here pertains to SQL Server.)
5. To test your remote database, reboot the Windows server that hosts the GG Web Services and Public Website. After the server reboots completely, on your client PC open a browser and connect to the localhost GG Public Website using (http://localhost/gringlobal/search.aspx). If the Public Website comes up without errors, you can be assured that the new remote database is working and connected properly because the following conditions are true:
A. Windows IIS web server is running and accepting HTTP requests from the client
B. the remote GG database is accepting remote database queries
(the local GG Public Website in the middle tier depends on the GG database connection being valid and available)
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