Do you think we could do more to protect our wildlife?Bog'liq Grammar for IELTSDo you think we could do more to protect our wildlife?
Yes, we could do a little more. I th in k many areas of rainforest (4 )_______________________
really need to be rejuvenated. Lots of w ild life live there and if they don’t have these forests,
they w on 't be able to survive. G orillas (5 )_______________________ are dying out rapidly.
Do you think hunting is justified?
I th in k hunting som etim es is a necessary thing. But I th in k hunting as a sport
(6 )______________________________ is a little cruel. We a ll need to eat, and societies (7 )_
_______________________need to be able to hunt fo r food. This is necessary fo r them to
be able to live.
Listen and check your answers. Can you think of any additional points to add to these
| Grammar tip: It is im portant to know which type of relative clause to use (defining or
i non-defining). This te lls you w hether you need to punctuate the clause, what pronouns
you can use, and if the clause can be shortened. Remember, speakers w ill pause at
| commas in non-defining relative clauses. This means that you can identify a defining
I and non-defining relative clause by the way it is said.
Using the tip above, listen to the sentences below and decide whether they contain
defining or non-defining relative clauses. Punctuate the non-defining relative clauses.
Owls are divided into two groups which are classified ‘typical ow ls’ and ‘barn owls'.
Barn owls which are nocturnal fly silently________________________
3 Owls which are nomadic rear a great num ber of young_______________________
Long-eared owls which live in the north m igrate to Europe fo r winter.
that give the animals space to move and look
after them w ell
, which are one of the most endangered
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