Journal Heading
The journal heading is selected from the Journal Database. Enter the name (or part of the name of the journal) and press Enter. If the search term matches, the system will automatically add the journal to the issue record. When the search term is too vague (e.g. ‘journal’) a drop-down list displays the possible journal titles. Please click on the desired title and wait while the system is processing and then press Select. The journal title is added to the issue record.
Alternatively you can click on the button, where you will see a drop-down list of journal titles. Please click on the desired title and wait while the system is processing and then press Select. The journal title is added to the issue record.
Caution: If after saving, the journal title is highlighted in red, it means that the journal is not correctly linked to the journal authority record. Please go back to Edit. You must reselect the journal title from the drop-down list.
Enter the volume (if any) in roman numerals (upper case): e.g. XVIII.
Enter the issue number in arabic numerals.
In the case of a double issue, use the hyphen as a separator: e.g. 586-587.
Must be abbreviated (except in the case of May, June and July):
Jan January May May Sept September
Feb February June June Oct October
Mar March July July Nov November
Apr April Aug August Dec December
Sometimes instead of a month the name of the season is given. Please use the English translation (Spring, Summer, Autumn or Fall, and Winter).
No abbreviations are used in this case.
Combine as follows: Jan-Feb Spring-Summer
Caution: Always use the hyphen ‘-‘ as separator for two months, even if the journal itself uses a slash!!
Enter all the numerals of the publication year (e.g. 2006, or 2006-2007).
After having filled in all the necessary fields, save the data by pressing Save. A new issue record will be created with a record ID. If you need to edit the issue record, click on Edit, make the changes and press Save again. Please note that all information is lost if you close the window before saving it.
Caution: Only the issue record that you have created can be edited by you. If the issue record is already created you can add new article records but you can not change the issue record itself.
Creating an article record
Once the issue record has been selected or created, you can begin to index the issue
by creating the article records. Example of an issue to be indexed:
To create your first entry, click on New Article. You will see the following screen:
Fields and symbols in article record
Source Heading: automatically generated by the issue record selected.
Can not be modified.
Free text fields (Page, Article Title, and Abstract): these fields are not linked to controlled indexes, therefore any text may be entered.
Fields for headings: entries must be chosen from controlled indexes linked to authority or ‘key’ databases (see ‘Structure of FIAFCat: overview databases’, p. 29).
Fields for headings always contain the following symbols:
- Pencil button: indicates a controlled index for this specific field. Click on the pencil to display a drop-down list where you can select directly from a list of headings.
- : Delete button: to delete a heading click on ‘x’, adjoining the appropriate heading. Take into account that you can only delete a heading once the article record has been saved.
- Multi-value button: when more than one heading is required in a field, click on this button to create additional lines.
How to select a heading
The button indicates that there is a controlled index for this specific field. There are two ways of searching for headings in these field specific controlled indexes:
Type the desired term in the appropriate field and press Enter. If the search term matches, FIAFCat will automatically add the term to the field. When there is a close but not exact match, a drop-down list displays the possible headings.
Alternatively, you can click on the button and it will bring you to a drop-down list where you can select directly from a list of headings.
Caution: Use short phrases when searching for terms in controlled indexes. To do a search for a term with diacritics, please enter the term without any diacritics.
If more than one heading is required in the same field, click on the button to add an extra line.
If you need to delete a heading click on , adjoining the appropriate heading.
Example of a drop-down list for biographical headings starting with ‘ANDERSON’:
Select the appropriate heading and click on Select.
How to create a new heading
If you do not find the appropriate heading in a controlled index, you will need to create a new term in the authority database. Clicking on Create New Term will bring up a new screen in which you can create the new authority record.
See the Biographical Database example below:
After creating the new authority record, you must save the record. The new heading is automatically proposed in a drop-down list. You need to select it to include it in the field.
Caution: Please do not create new headings too quickly. For a variety of reasons, your search may not return any results. For more accurate results, make sure that your search term is not too long and that you avoid ‘tricky’ elements (like diacritics). For instance, if you are looking for a director named ‘Thongkongtoon, Yingyoot’ you should enter ‘Thongko’ as the search term.
Filling in the article record
Source Heading
Automatically provided and cannot be edited or modified.
First and last page numbers are given in full (e.g. 155-157); breaks in the text are indicated (e.g. 24-27,29,31). Inserts with a different page indication are noted as follows: insert + page(s), e.g. insert 21-23.
In the case of online journals without pagination enter the following: Web [n.p.]. Don’t forget to fill in the field Web Page Order for an article without pagination (see p. 27).
Caution: in the case of general dossier entries, ignore breaks in the text (such as advertisements) and include the entire pagination from where the dossier begins until the page where it ends.
Author Heading
If the item has an author, enter the last name followed by first name, separated by a comma and a space. Use lower case: e.g. Ciment, Michel.
Caution: always check if the appropriate heading already exists in the controlled index. If you are certain that the heading is not in the list, you can create a new one. See ‘How to create a new heading’, p. 11.
If you need to create more than one author’s name, click on the button, which creates an additional line in this field. Up to five authors can be entered. If more than five, list the most prominent followed by the existing author heading ‘others’. Sometimes, it could be useful to list only the name of one author followed by ‘others’.
Article Title
Enter here the title of the article. Some articles have more than one title or variations in the title. The most informative should be chosen and can sometimes be found in the table of contents. The title of a special issue can often be found in the table of contents or on the cover of the periodical.
Transcribe the title exactly as it appears, giving accents and diacritics but not necessarily as to punctuation and capitalisation.
Only capitalize first word of the article title and proper nouns
Quotation marks are transcribed as they appear.
Italics are ignored.
Title and subtitle are separated by a colon, and subtitle starts with lower case
e.g. Tribulation 99: alien anomalies under America.
Every title should be followed by a full stop or other final punctuation (e.g. ? !).
Errors in the titles should be indicated by [sic].
Nature 1 Heading
This (obligatory) field indicates the nature of the item being indexed. All the possible options can be found in a drop-down list (available by clicking on the button).
You can also enter the appropriate abbreviation or a combination:
A Article
BE Book Extract(s)