Guide to indexing 4
bet | 3/10 | Sana | 22.09.2020 | Hajmi | 5,24 Mb. | | #11543 | Turi | Guide |
CO Correspondence
CR Conference Report
D Discussion
DS Dossier
DY Diary
ED Editorial
FR Festival Report
I Interview
L List
O Obituary
P Preview
PH Photo Section
PR Production Report
R Review
S Short Review
SC Script
SI Special Issue
SP Speech
Y Synopsis
To combine several abbreviations, use the ‘|’ separator key:
e.g. R|I will be automatically converted to Review & Interview.
Non-valid terms are not accepted and displayed in red.
To add an extra line in this field, click on the button.
Since the field Nature 1 must contain at least one abbreviation, A should be noted in any case where no more precise abbreviation can be found.
Nature 2 Heading
This field indicates the presence of illustrations, credits, etc. in the article. A list of all possible abbreviations can be found in a drop-down list (available by clicking on the button).
You can also enter the appropriate abbreviation or a combination:
B Bibliography
BF Bio-filmography
C Credits
DG Diagram(s)
DI Discography
F Filmography
IL Illustration(s)
ST Statistics
T Teleography
TH Theatrography
V Videography
To combine several abbreviations, use the ‘|’ separator key: e.g. C|IL will be automatically converted to Credits & Illustrations. Non-valid terms are not accepted and displayed in red. To add an extra line in this field, click on the button.
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