The theme of the Doctor of Philosophy dissertation in technical sciences is registered in the Higher
Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan under the number
The dissertation carried out at the Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology.
The abstract of the dissertation is posted in three languages (Uzbek, Russian, English (resume)) on the
website of the Scientific Council of the Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology (www.nammti.uz)
and on the "Ziyonet" information and educational portal (
Scientific supervisor:
Jumaniyazov Kadam
doctor of technical sciences, professor
Official opponents:
Kayumov Juramirza
doctor of technical sciences, associate professor
Rajapov Odil
doctor of Philosophy (PhD), associate professor
Leading organization:
Fergana Polytechnic Institute
The defense of the dissertation will be held at 11
on “31”August 2023 year at
the scientific council
meeting No. PhD.03/30.12.2019.T.66.01 at the Namangan institute of engineering and technology (at the
address: 160100, Namangan city, Kasansay Str. 7, administrative building, small conference hall, tel. (+99869)
228-76-68, 225-10-07, a fax: (+99869) 228-76-75. e-mail:
The dissertation is available at the Information-resource centre of Namangan institute of engineering
and technology (registration number No. 550). Address: 160100, Namangan city, Kasansay Str 7, tel. (+99869)
228-76-68; Fax: (+99869) 228-76-75, e-mail:
The abstract of dissertation sent out on “19” August 2023 year.
(mailing report No.129 on “19” August 2023 year).