INTRODUCTION (abstract of the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) dissertation)
The purpose of the research. Based on the improvement and optimization of the
working parts of the ring spinning machines, it consists in increasing the productivity
of the machine and producing competitive knitting yarns with high characteristics.
The scientific novelty of the research is as follows:
as a result of reducing the twisting triangle
in the ring-spinning machine, the
construction of a device that provides an alternate angle of the coverage arc of the fiber
layer in the cylinder and raises the yarn was created;
a dense plastic model of the connection of the yarn with the surface, which takes
into account adhesion and friction, and a discrete model, which takes into account the
deformation of the cross-section of the yarn in the movement of the yarn on the surface
in contact with each other have been developed;
a viscous plastic model of the connection of the yarn with the surface, taking into
account adhesion and friction, and a mathematical model
that takes into account the
deformation of the cross-section of the yarn in the movement
of the thread on the
surface in contact with each other have been developed;
a method of obtaining yarn with a smaller arc of coverage was created, which is
different from the existing twisting triangle in the enterprise while keeping the working
parameters in the ring-spinning method from cotton fiber;
In order to reduce the twisting triangle, the alternate angle of the coverage arc of
the fiber layer in the cylinder, the optimal twisting process, and the number of spindle
revolutions are determined to achieve the best quality.