Corresponding Author:
Ali Salim Rasheed
Department of Media Technology Engineering
College of Engineering
University of Information Technology and Communications
Baghdad, Iraq
The fast advancement in virtual reality (VR) systems requires the provision in virtual reality (VR)
systems requires the provision of a high-definition 3D environment that simulates the real world and provides
users of these systems high interaction and immersion performance [1]. Virtual reality systems (VR) is at
present popular technology utilized in various areas such as video games, cinema, medical, military training [2].
Blender is a 3D virtual environment (VE) and powerful open-source software for made 3D graphic animations
and cinema movies. The most important features of this software, it performed on engineering transformations
for animation, Shading, Lighting, Rendering, production of digital films and 3D video game [3].
Blender has added, over time impressive touches in the Digital Cinema and animation movies
industry. These films have achieved great success on social media networking and also in cinemas through
millions of views, follow-up and win international awards. These movies have aroused the interest of
animation developers and those interested in this field. “Spring” is the latest short film produced by Blender
Animation Studio.
ISSN: 2502-4752
Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci, Vol. 21, No. 1, January 2021 : 457 - 464
Blinder is very compatible with virtual reality (VR) technologies. As its virtual 3D viewport
environment and its tools, as shown in Figure 1. Provide a large space in the manufacture of virtual worlds as
well as the creation of characters, 3D faces are a reflection of real people present in our real world. the main
aim to design a virtual environment(VE), its interconnect the virtual world to the real by using artificial
inelegance or IoT technologies [4]. virtual environment(VE) empowering designers to virtually implement
the thoughts and afterward view it in a real-world, then enable the designers to display their 3D visualizations
on a 2D pc screen [5]. The basic approach to making these applications (Blender) is having a virtual
environment (VE) designed with specific programming languages (python) simulated with 3D animation
toolbox [6].
Figure 1. Blender virtual 3d viewport environment, general tools
Blinder Software is an integrated work environment that converts designers' ideas into virtual
models programmable by programmers [7]. Building a 3D model like faces inside the virtual environment
(VE) requires a certain effort. What's more, this exertion is predictable according to the methods used in the
software [8].
In this paper, the goal will be building the 3D model of the human face in the 3D virtual
environment (VE) of Blinder Software via 2D images of celebrities, artists, or the public. These faces
consider are the main part of creating virtual characters to be used in the animation movies industry or virtual
reality (VR) simulation systems. This duty is done through the use of Keen Tools Face Builder to building
3D models of human faces and heads using a couple of photographs. The main aim creation of the 3D face
from several of 2D photos. is used should be high resolution, non- blurring and high sharpness. In order to
obtain highly sharp images that give advanced results during the use of these tools, we suggested using
OpenCV applications, Python language with “Laplacian operator”.
The technological advancement of digital cameras provides high quality captured images with very
big data [9]. But the problem is still in the user, it may be unprofessional or not experienced in taking pictures
and therefore we get high-resolution images but they contain blur and incorrect angle of photography. The
human eyes cannot accurately distinguish image blurring as well as the degree of clarity through the use of
digital cameras. It is the main problem we face when 3D faces create within Blender software by using of
Keen Tools Face Builder.
Since the official website of Keen Tools Face Builder said (With Face Builder you don't need to be
an experienced 3D modeler to create a quality 3D model with clean topology). but At the same time, the
official website did not mention that the image should be high-definition, blur-free, sharp, and with a frame
size of 1920 x 1080 pixels, what's more, these prerequisites are hard to accomplish by novices or the
individuals who don't have an exact computerized camera. It is a real problem that was encountered while
designing a 3D face inside Blinder software by using Keen Tools face builder. And we, in the paper, will
work to solve this problem programmatically by using OpenCV technologies, “Laplacian filter” with Python
Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci
ISSN: 2502-4752
3D face creation via 2D images within blender virtual environment (Ali Salim Rasheed)