Iqtisodiyotni raqamlashtirish sharoitida buxgalteriya hisobi, iqtisodiy tahlil va auditni xalqaro standartlar asosida rivojlantirish muammolari va istiqbollari

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QarMII konf 26-27 may 2023 (1)

International corporations play a crucial role in the global 
economy as key players in international financial relations. These corporations 
operate in multiple countries, which creates complex financial relationships that 
require unique accounting and auditing practices. Proper accounting and auditing 
practices are critical for international corporations to ensure accurate financial 
reporting and compliance with international financial regulations. 
This article explores the importance of international corporations as subjects of 
international financial relations and the challenges they face in accounting and 
auditing goods and material resources. The article begins by defining international 
corporations and their role in the global economy. It then discusses the challenges 
associated with accounting and auditing of goods and material resources for 
international corporations, including inventory management, physical inventory 
counts, compliance with financial reporting regulations, and the role of auditing in 
promoting accountability and transparency. 
International corporations are businesses that operate in multiple countries and 
have a global presence. These corporations have significant economic power and play 
a critical role in the global economy. They are responsible for a significant portion of 
international trade and investment and are important drivers of economic growth and 
development. International corporations have the ability to impact local economies 
through job creation, technology transfer, and investments in local infrastructure. 
However, their global presence also presents unique challenges, including complex 
financial relationships that require proper accounting and auditing practices. 
One of the critical challenges for international corporations is the accounting 
and auditing of goods and material resources. Proper inventory management is 
essential for international corporations to maintain accurate financial records and 
ensure compliance with international financial regulations. Effective inventory 
control procedures involve establishing clear policies and procedures for managing 
inventory, including defining inventory levels, setting up inventory tracking systems, 

and establishing procedures for inventory ordering and replenishment. By 
implementing effective inventory control procedures, businesses can reduce 
inventory costs, minimize losses, and ensure accurate financial reporting. 
Physical inventory counts are another essential aspect of accounting and 
auditing goods and material resources. Physical inventory counts involve physically 
counting and verifying the existence and condition of inventory items. Physical 
inventory counts can enhance audit quality by improving the accuracy of financial 
statements. Physical inventory counts are essential for ensuring compliance with 
financial reporting regulations and identifying potential fraud or theft. 
Compliance with financial reporting regulations is another critical aspect of 
accounting and auditing goods and material resources. Compliance with financial 
reporting regulations is essential for international corporations to maintain 
transparency and accountability. Financial reporting regulations vary by country and 
require careful consideration when preparing financial statements. Failure to comply 
with financial reporting regulations can result in significant financial penalties and 
damage to a company's reputation. 
The role of auditing in promoting accountability and transparency is another 
critical aspect of accounting and auditing goods and material resources. Auditing is 
essential for promoting accountability and transparency in public sector management 
and ensuring compliance with financial reporting regulations. Auditing involves 
independent examination of financial statements and accounting records to ensure 
that they are accurate and comply with international financial reporting standards. 
Auditing provides assurance to investors, shareholders, and other stakeholders that a 
company's financial statements are accurate and reliable. 
International corporations play a crucial role in international financial relations. 
They are significant actors in the global economy and have a significant impact on 
economic development and growth. International corporations are defined as 
companies that operate in multiple countries and have significant operations in 

foreign countries. They are involved in various economic activities such as trade, 
investment, and production, and play a vital role in the global economy. 
The emergence of international corporations can be traced back to the colonial 
era when European countries established their colonies in different parts of the world. 
These colonies provided an opportunity for European countries to exploit the 
resources and labor of these countries. As a result, European companies began to 
expand their operations into these colonies, laying the foundation for international 
Today, international corporations operate in various industries such as 
manufacturing, services, and technology, among others. These corporations have a 
significant impact on the global economy, and their operations can have both positive 
and negative effects on the countries in which they operate. The following table 
provides an overview of the top 10 international corporations based on revenue in 
Rank Corporation 
Revenue (in billions) 


State Grid 


Automotive $336.6 

Sinopec Group 
Oil and Gas $314.4 

Royal Dutch Shell 
Netherlands/UK Oil and Gas $262.6 

Berkshire Hathaway 
Diversified $254.6 

Toyota Motor 
Automotive $254.0 

Technology $247.5 
Oil and Gas $241.5 
These corporations are involved in various economic activities such as retail, 
utilities, automotive, oil and gas, technology, and diversified industries. These 
activities have significant economic implications for the countries in which they 

operate. For instance, Walmart, the top international corporation in terms of revenue, 
operates in over 25 countries and has a significant impact on the retail sector in these 
International corporations also play a crucial role in international trade and 
investment. They are involved in cross-border trade, which involves the exchange of 
goods and services between countries. Cross-border investment involves the 
acquisition of assets or the establishment of operations in foreign countries. These 
activities facilitate economic integration and promote economic growth and 
However, international corporations also face several challenges in their 
operations. These challenges include political risks, legal and regulatory risks, and 
cultural differences. Political risks arise from the instability of political systems in 
some countries, which can affect the operations of international corporations. Legal 
and regulatory risks arise from the differences in legal systems and regulations in 
different countries. Cultural differences can also pose challenges to international 
corporations as they may affect the management of operations and relationships with 
International corporations are significant actors in international financial 
relations. They play a crucial role in the global economy and have significant 
economic implications for the countries in which they operate. The top 10 
international corporations based on revenue in 2022 are involved in various economic 
activities such as retail, utilities, automotive, oil and gas, technology, and diversified 
industries. While international corporations face several challenges in their 
operations, their activities facilitate economic integration and promote economic 
growth and development. 

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Iqtisodiyotni raqamlashtirish sharoitida buxgalteriya hisobi, iqtisodiy tahlil va auditni xalqaro standartlar asosida rivojlantirish muammolari va istiqbollari

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