• TIJORAT BANKLARI FAOLIYATIDA MUAMMOLI KREDITLAR VA ULARNING TAHLILI Namozov Bekjon Bo’ron o’g’li Qarshi muhandislik-iqtisodiyot instituti
  • Iqtisodiyotni raqamlashtirish sharoitida buxgalteriya hisobi, iqtisodiy tahlil va auditni xalqaro standartlar asosida rivojlantirish muammolari va istiqbollari

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    QarMII konf 26-27 may 2023 (1)

    Conclusion and suggestions 
    The analysis of assets of commercial banks and their use is crucial for 
    assessing the financial stability, profitability, and risk management capabilities of 
    banks. Through a comprehensive evaluation of asset structure, liquidity, profitability, 
    and credit portfolio, valuable insights can be gained to optimize resource utilization 
    and ensure long-term stability. 

    The research findings highlight the importance of effective asset management 
    strategies in commercial banks. By closely monitoring and analyzing their assets, 
    banks can make informed decisions regarding loan disbursements, investment 
    opportunities, and risk mitigation. A well-diversified asset portfolio can help 
    minimize risk exposure and enhance overall financial performance. 
    Decision of the Central bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan decision “On 
    approval of the regulation on the classification of assets in commercial banks and the 
    formation of reserves to cover possible losses on assets and the order of their use”. 
    June 13, 2015. 5/14. 
    2. Диана Макнотон. Банковские учреждения в развивающихся странах. 
    пер. с англ.V 2-х т. -Вашингтон, Д.С.: Всемирный банк, 1994. Т.1.-С. -2 
    3. Analysis of banking activity. T. M. Karaliev and others. Toolkit. financial 
    institution. T.: - 2016. - 136 p. ISBN 978-9943-4017-4-7 
    4. www.cbu.uz 
    Namozov Bekjon Bo’ron o’g’li 
    Qarshi muhandislik-iqtisodiyot instituti, 
    Bank ishi va auditi ta’lim yo’nalishi 2 bosqich talabasi 
    maqolada tijorat banklari faoliyati samaradorligini belgilashda 
    muammoli kreditlarning o’rni, banklarda muammoli kreditlar bilan bog’liq 
    muammolarni bartaraf etish yo’llari hamda rivojlangan mamlakatlar tajribalari haqida 
    fikr yuritilgan. Shuningdek, Oz’bekiston Respublikasi bank tizimidagi mavjud holat 
    va ularda muammoli kreditlarning ulushi hamda ularni kamaytirish bo’yicha 
    tavsiyalar berilgan.

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    Iqtisodiyotni raqamlashtirish sharoitida buxgalteriya hisobi, iqtisodiy tahlil va auditni xalqaro standartlar asosida rivojlantirish muammolari va istiqbollari

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