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QarMII konf 26-27 may 2023 (1)

Tursunxodjayeva Sh.Z. 
Tashkent institute of Finance, PhD 
Rizoqulova E.O. 
Tashkent institute of Finance, master
Investments are critical for economic growth, and domestic investments can be 
a catalyst for local entrepreneurship and job creation. However, attracting domestic 
investments involves risks that can pose significant challenges to investment flows. 
This essay examines the risks involved in attracting domestic investments in the 
economy and proposes strategies to mitigate them. 
Economic Risks: 

Economic risks are inherent in any investment, including domestic 
investments. For instance, inflation, currency fluctuations, and trade deficits can 
impact the investment climate. An unstable economy can deter investors, as they may 
fear losing their investments. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain economic stability 
and provide a favorable investment climate. The government can implement fiscal 
and monetary policies that promote economic stability, such as controlling inflation, 
maintaining a stable currency, and reducing trade deficits. 
Regulatory Risks: 
Regulatory risks refer to the risks associated with the regulatory environment 
in a country. Investors may face bureaucratic hurdles or difficulties in obtaining 
licenses, permits, and approvals. Changes in regulations or policies can impact 
investors and their investments, causing losses. Thus, it is essential to have a stable 
and predictable regulatory environment. The government can promote a favorable 
regulatory environment by reducing bureaucracy, ensuring transparency in regulatory 
processes, and providing clear guidelines on investment procedures. 
Political Risks: 
Political risks are inherent in any investment, including domestic investments. 
Political instability, corruption, and policy uncertainty can negatively impact 
investors' confidence and, ultimately, their investment decisions. Political risks need 
to be addressed, and a stable political environment must be ensured to attract 
domestic investments. The government can promote political stability by promoting 
democratic institutions, ensuring the rule of law, and reducing corruption. 
Operational Risks: 
Operational risks refer to the risks associated with the operational aspects of 
investments, such as management, market, and technology risks. For instance, market 
risks can arise due to market conditions, competition, or consumer preferences 
changes. Management risks can arise due to poor decision-making or inadequate 
management practices. Technology risks can arise due to rapid changes in technology 
or the obsolescence of technology. Investors must evaluate and mitigate these 

operational risks by investing in robust management practices, developing innovative 
products, and keeping up with technological changes. 
The risks involved in attracting domestic investments in the economy are 
interrelated and can impact each other. For instance, an unstable political 
environment can lead to an unstable economic environment, while a volatile 
regulatory environment can lead to market instability. Thus, a comprehensive 
approach is needed to mitigate these risks and provide a favorable investment 
One way to mitigate these risks is through public-private partnerships (PPPs). 
PPPs can help reduce the burden on the government by providing a favorable 
investment climate. To ensure a favorable investment climate, PPPs can provide 
investors with the necessary infrastructure, such as transportation, communication, 
and energy. Moreover, PPPs can help reduce regulatory risks by providing investors 
with clear guidelines on investment procedures, reducing bureaucracy, and ensuring 
transparency in regulatory processes. 
Another way to mitigate these risks is through diversification. Investors can 
mitigate economic risks by diversifying their investment portfolios across different 
sectors and asset classes. For instance, investing in stocks, bonds, and real estate can 
help investors mitigate economic risks. Moreover, diversifying investments across 
different regions can help mitigate political risks by reducing the impact of political 
instability in one region. 
The government and investors must work together to mitigate the risks 
involved in attracting domestic investments in the economy. The government can 
implement policies that promote economic stability, reduce bureaucracy, ensure 
political stability, and promote innovative and technologically advanced businesses. 
Moreover, investors must evaluate and mitigate operational risks to ensure the 
success of their investments. By addressing these risks, the government and investors 
can work together to promote a favorable investment climate, leading to sustainable 
economic growth and job creation. 

Although attracting domestic investments can have positive effects on the 
economy, it also poses significant risks that need to be carefully considered
including crowding out of public investment consentration of wealth and 
vulnerability to economic shocks.
In conclusion, attracting domestic investments in the economy involves various 
risks, such as economic, regulatory, political, and operational risks. These risks can 
pose significant challenges to investment flows and must be addressed to provide a 
favorable investment climate. The government can mitigate these risks by 
implementing policies that promote economic stability, reducing bureaucracy, 
ensuring political stability, and promoting innovative and technologically advanced 

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