• Water resources.
  • Agriculture.
  • Islom karimov nomidagi toshkent davlat texnika universiteti «sanoat iqtisodiyoti va menejmenti: muammo va yechimlar»

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    Urban development.
    The economic well-being of a city depends on a quality urban 
    environment, which includes energy efficiency, waste management, improved public transport, green 
    infrastructure, walkable green public spaces and increased competitiveness and economic activity. 
    To ensure a quality environment, city and national planning should harmonise policies and 
    regulations (including national climate change mitigation and adaptation plans) and promote city-to-
    city linkages, especially in the areas of transport, waste management and information technology. 
    Water resources.
    Uzbekistan is among 25 countries prone to water scarcity, and climate 
    change will exacerbate the situation Inefficient water use and unsustainable agricultural practices lead 
    to low productivity and severe land degradation due to soil salinisation, taking land out of the 
    production cycle and contributing to toxic dust storms in the Aral Sea basin Although 73 per cent of 
    the population has access to clean drinking water, there are significant inequalities in access and 
    sanitation. Wastewater management requires significant funding and is underdeveloped. Centralised 
    sewerage coverage is only 15.6%, weil below the target of 31.4% to be achieved by 2030. Efficiency 
    of wastewater treatment is 55% due to ourdated and necessary replacement of infrastructure. 
    More than three quarters of pastures in Uzbekistan have been destroyed and the 
    productivity of suitable land has halved over the past two decades. The agricultural sector, the largest 
    water user and second largest source of greenhouse gas emissions, is declining at an average annual 
    rate of 2 per cent Greening and liberalisation of agriculture, initiated after 2016, can significantly 

    increase productivity, employment and incomes while reducing water use Uzbekistan employs more 
    people in agriculture than in industry and trade combined. The county's recently adopted agricultural 
    strategy also aims to create new jobs An action plan is needed to realise the employment potential of 
    the sector while greening at the same time. Over the next three to five years, investment decisions 
    and actions will focus on developing a long-term development trajectory that will increase the 
    county's resilience to future threats such as non-climate and climate shocks The Strategy for the 
    Transition of the Republic of Uzbekistan to a Green Economy in the period 2019- 2030 identified 
    priority areas for green development and recognised the green economy as an important strategic 
    direction for long-term sustainable development. 
    As a result of the implementation of the Programme and Strategy for the Green Economy 
    Transition of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the period 2019 - 2030 in ensuring green growth and 
    transition to a green economy in the country until 2030, it is expected to achieve: 

    reduction of specific greenhouse gas emissions per unit of gross domestic product by 
    35 per cent of the 2010 level; 

    increasing the production capacity of renewable energy sources up to 15 GW and 
    bringing their share in the total volume of electricity generation to over 30 per cent; 

    increasing energy efficiency in the industrial sector by at least 20 per cent, 

    Reducing energy intensity per unit of gross domestic product by 30 per cent. including 
    through increased use of renewable energy sources; 

    significant increase of water use efficiency in all sectors of the economy. 

    introduction of water-saving irrigation technologies on the area of up to 1 million 

    Expanding urban green spaces to over 30 per cent by planting 200 million saplings per 
    year and bringing the total number of saplings to over 1 billion; 

    bringing the index of forest reserves of the republic to more than 90 million cubic 

    increasing the recycling rate of generated household waste to over 65 per cent 

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    Islom karimov nomidagi toshkent davlat texnika universiteti «sanoat iqtisodiyoti va menejmenti: muammo va yechimlar»

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