• Barqaror rivojlanishni rag‘batlantirish
  • Yangi bozorlar va texnologiyalarni rivojlantirish
  • Roisheva Diyora Ravshanovna, Rasulova Sofiyabonu Khakimovna students, Tashkent State Technical University Supervisor: Mirsaidova Shakhnoza Arslanbekovna
  • Yashil sarmoyani rag‘batlantirish

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    Yashil sarmoyani rag‘batlantirish:
    Yashil taksonomiya sarmoyadorlar va moliya 
    institutlariga sarmoyani yashil iqtisodiyotni rivojlantirishga hissa qo‘shadigan ekologik barqaror 
    loyihalar va biznesga yo‘naltirish orqali ko‘proq asosli qarorlar qabul qilishga yordam beradi. 
    Barqaror rivojlanishni rag‘batlantirish:
    Yashil taksonomiya korxonalar va tashkilotlarni 
    barqaror rivojlanishga intilishga undash orqali ekologik va ijtimoiy ta’sirlarni kamaytirishga yordam 
     Iqlim o'zgarishiga qarshi kurashga hissa qo'shish:
    Issiqxona gazlari emissiyalarini 
    kamaytiradigan va energiya samaradorligini oshiradigan loyihalarga investitsiyalarni maqsadli 
    yo'naltirish orqali iqlim o'zgarishiga qarshi kurashda muhim rol o'ynaydi. 
    Yangi bozorlar va texnologiyalarni rivojlantirish:
    Yashil taksonomiya yangi yashil 
    texnologiyalar va innovatsiyalarni rivojlantirishni rag'batlantiradi, tadbirkorlar va kompaniyalar 
    uchun yangi imkoniyatlar yaratadi. 
    Shubhasiz, iqlim o'zgarishi tahdidi va yanada barqaror amaliyotga o'tish zarurligini hisobga 
    olgan holda, yashil taksonomiya zamonaviy dunyoda muhim rol o'ynaydi. Bu nafaqat atrof-muhitni 
    muhofaza qilishga yordam beradi, balki yangi texnologiyalar va innovatsiyalarni rivojlantirishni 
    rag'batlantiradi, moliyaviy va korporativ qarorlarni tartibga soladi. Yashil taksonomiyani qabul qilish 
    yanada barqaror va mas'uliyatli iqtisodiyotga olib kelishi mumkin, bu esa o'z navbatida hozirgi va 
    kelajak avlodlarga foyda keltiradi. 
    Roisheva Diyora Ravshanovna, Rasulova Sofiyabonu Khakimovna 
    students, Tashkent State Technical University 
    Supervisor: Mirsaidova Shakhnoza Arslanbekovna 
     аssociate professor Tashkent State Technical University 
    Over the last few decades, the problems of environmental pollution, lack of resources, and 
    demographic problems have become topical in some parts and countries of the globe there is a 
    shortage of population due to low birth rate, ageing population (Western Europe, Japan, etc.), and in 
    other parts of the world (Middle East, some countries of Africa, South and Central America) there is 
    an increased growth, oversupply of population In this regard, there are complex problems related to 
    low living standards of the population, food shortages, underdeveloped industry. Conventionally, 
    these problems can be divided into two parts: 

    1. Institutional related to unstable political situation, risks of local and interethnic conflicts, high 
    level of corruption, underdeveloped public administration system (education, health care, judicial and 
    executive bodies, etc.). 
    2. Infrastructural industry, energy, communications, transport, logistics, etc.. In this article we will 
    consider one of the components of infrastructure problems of global importance for all mankind the 
    problem of energy 
    The main problem of traditional sources of energy resources at the moment is their limited
    quantity. And since the demands of mankind in this respect are growing, mankind may soon face a 
    structural energy crisis. 
    The Republic of Uzbekistan, along with many other developing countries, is facing a shortage 
    of energy resources. The crisis of the energy system is caused by many factors, in particular, the 
    deterioration of the old Soviet-era energy systems, which are characterised by significant energy 
    losses during transmission, mass breakdowns and emergency shutdowns In addition, over the last 
    thirty years there has been insufficient commissioning of new generating capacities to replace those 
    that have become obsolete and have reached the end of their useful lives At the same time, rapid 
    population growth and chaotic development put additional pressure on the power supply system and 
    provoke frequent power outages. 
    Considering Uzbekistan's energy security in the long term, the following challenges that need 
    to be addressed can be identified: 

    A comprehensive analysis of the existing power system; 

    improving the energy efficiency of existing systems; 

    reducing losses in energy production and transit; 

    diversification of energy sources and rational introduction of renewable energy 
    Over the last 6 years, new generating capacities of more than 5,000 MW have been created in 
    Uzbekistan. At the same time, it is expected that by the end of 2023 the shortage of electricity will 
    amount to 3.4 billion kWh. The problems of energy deficit, makes the expansion of energy potential 
    and rational use of energy a key challenge The economic consequences of the energy crisis faced by 
    Uzbekistan show how important energy sovereignty of individual countries and regions is. The 
    energy security of a state depends on the diversification of its sources of origin. This is why 
    investment in technologies based on energy from renewable sources is so important. The energy 
    deficit situation can undoubtedly have a negative impact on the pace of industrial development, on 
    attractinginvestments and on the whole economy Renewable energy sources (RES) are one of the 
    sources of increasing energy generation In recent years, there has been a clear trend in the global 
    energy market towards renewable energy sources. Renewable energy sources are becoming 
    increasingly popular, especially in highly developed countries. 
    The term green energy refers to energy derived from renewable sources. 
    Green energy is a set of renewable natural resources from which electricity and heat are 
    produced Renewable energy sources can include wind, sunlight, water, geothermal sources, sea 
    waves, sea currents and tides, biomass, biogas and bigsureny Renewable energy sources are 
    characterised by the fact that they are replenished at a higher rate than they are consumed. 
    Today, in the conditions of Uzbekistan, the most efficient sources of energy are: wind, sun 
    and water. 
    Dynamic economic growth is directly linked to increasing demand for the energy needed to 
    power both the industrial and service sectors. From widely understood industrial production, 
    agriculture and processing, and various services such as transport, to powering household appliances 
    and equipment, each of these areas consumes thousands of megawatts of electricity. 
    The main reasons for the growing popularity of green energy can be highlighted: 

    the problem of climate change, 

    increasing prices for fossil fuels, natural gas and oil, and well depletion, 

    Improving technologies for the extraction and processing of renewable energy sources; 


    reducing the cost of installing equipment for renewable energy extraction; 

    support from governmental and international organisations for the extraction 

    and processing of renewable energy sources; 

    public interest in renewable energy sources, methods of their extraction and reducing 
    the impact of carbon footprint on nature and climatic conditions of the planet. 
    Let's take a closer look at the types of renewable green energy sources. 
    Solar power. 
    It is currently the most commonly used form of renewable energy Solar energy is produced 
    by photovoltaic installations and solar collectors. The former receive heat from the sun and then 
    convert it into electricity, while the latter convert it into hear energy used for various household or 
    industrial needs. 
    Wind power. Wind farms, consisting of efficient turbines and devices that generate electricity, 
    are also an important area of green energy Wind turbines convert kinetic energy into electricity 
    Renewable energy production using wind farms is most favourable in regions with high windiness. 
    Water power. Water power is generated using natural inland watercourses. Hydropower is 
    mainly related to rivers with sufficiently strong currents or large gradients. Electricity is generated in 
    hydroelectric power plants, using special turbines that convert mechanical energy into electrical 
    Each of the green energy trends has its own positive and negative aspects. On the plus side, 
    green energy utilises natural resources that can be regenerated or are barely depleted. They do not 
    pollute the environment and have little or no impact on the nature and biodiversity of the region, as 
    well as slowing down the impact on climate change 
    Also, the relatively less complex design of RES plants compared to traditional sources of 
    energy generation, such as thermal power plants, can be put on the plus side. The disadvantages of 
    RES include that alternative or renewable energy sources are not as sustainable and stable in terms 
    of electricity generation. The operation of green energy sources depends on many different factors. 
    Some experts believe that solar renewable energy sources, including solar panels. wind turbines are 
    one of the terrific elements of green technology. While others call wind turbines, for example, too 
    noisy, overly bulky, or dangerous to biodiversity Because, the potential amount of green energy waste 
    is frightening. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) predicts that 600,000 tonnes of 
    old solar panels will be accumulated by 2025 IRENA expects the number of used solar panels to 
    reach "8 million tonnes by 2050. In Europe, up to 300.000 tonnes per year of decommissioned wind 
    turbine blades could be accumulated over the next two decades, according to trade association Wind 
    In addition to the issue of utilisation, the situation with the low capacity of solar panels at 220 
    W m2 and their high prices is also relevant In particular, from the economic point of view, for 
    consumers represented by citizens, at the existing prices in the county, it is more favourable to make 
    a deposit in a bank than to install expensive RES In Uzbekistan, the payback: period of solar panels 
    is about 3-9 years,which is due to low electricity tariffs. For comparison, in developed countries the 
    payback period does not exceed 3 years. 
    In addition, in order to maintain maximum power, the panels themselves need to be constantly 
    cleaned of dust and dirt, either with special equipment or with a certain amount of water. There is 
    also the issue of water shortage. In addition, at the moment there is no developed service and in cases 
    of improper use of panels, in case of their breakage, repair of the equipment will be a difficult task. 
    But the most important disadvantage of green energy today is the inability to provide generation in a 
    stable mode, as RES energy generation is subject to cyclical fluctuations depending on weather 
    conditions, which forces to provide a reserve in the form of spare energy sources, which in turn 
    increases the unit cost of production, and makes RES energy generation unprofitable. Based on the 
    above, it can be concluded that from an economic point of view, in Uzbekistan in the foreseeable 
    future, green energy will not be able to replace traditional sources of energy generation, and can be 
    used only in a limited format, in the most favourable climatic regions of the country. 


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