• Allayeva Gulchekhra Jalgasovna DSc., professor, TSTU named after I. Karimov Rakhmatova Masuda Gaybullaevna
  • Islom karimov nomidagi toshkent davlat texnika universiteti «sanoat iqtisodiyoti va menejmenti: muammo va yechimlar»

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    Йўловчининг жамоат транспортидан фойдаланишига маркетинг 
    фаолиятининг таъсири
    Йўловчининг жамоат транспортидан 
    фойдаланиш қарори 
    Йўловчи томонидан жамоат транспорти ҳақида 
    маълумотлар тўплаш 
    Турли ҳил ташувчилар ва хизматлар ўртасидаги 
    вариантларни таққослаш 
    Иқтисодий имкониятни, уй (иш)га яқинлиги ва 
    бошқа қулайликларни баҳолаш 
    Жамоат транспортидан фойдаланишга 
    рағбатлантириш тизимининг мавжудлиги 
    Йўловчи томонидан жамоат транспортидан 
    фойдаланиш қарорини қабул қилиш 
    Жамоат транспортидан фойдаланганидан кейин 
    йўловчининг қониқиш даражаси 


    жамоат транспорти фаолиятини ривожлантиришда замонавий ахборот 
    технологияларидан унумли фойдаланиш ва уларни амалиётга кенг жалб қилиш жараёнлари 
    ёритилган, умуман олганда маркетинг воситаларидан кенгроқ ва самаралироқ фойдаланиш 

    истеъмолчи аудиториясига қараб маркетинг воситаларидан фойдаланиш 
    босқичларини шакллантириш керак. 
    Allayeva Gulchekhra Jalgasovna 
    DSc., professor, TSTU named after I. Karimov
    Rakhmatova Masuda Gaybullaevna 
    PhD., senior teacher, TSTU named after I. Karimov 
    Today, in the process of globalization in the world, the improvement of activities of the oil 
    and gas industries of the developed countries based on digital technologies and their effective use and 
    the formation of digital transformations are considered to be the main factors. In order for any country 
    to achieve development, it is necessary and necessary to introduce digital knowledge and modern 
    information technologies. This gives you the opportunity to take the shortest path to ascension. 
    Despite the fact that this industry is developing rapidly in Uzbekistan, which is being renewed, 
    the introduction of new types of digital technologies, especially the production of software products, 
    into various industries and sectors of the economy, and the fact that they are not used enough in the 
    oil and gas industry, are the scientific-theoretical and practical reasons learning is gaining importance. 
    In the Address of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the Oliy Majlis 
    dated January 24, 2020, "... we need to develop a national concept of Digital Economy, which 
    involves updating all sectors of the economy based on digital technologies. On this basis, we need to 
    implement the "Digital Uzbekistan - 2030" program. The digital economy allows to increase the gross 
    domestic product by at least 30% and reduce corruption sharply. Analyzes conducted by reputable 
    international organizations also confirm this...». 
    Currently, information technologies are deeply penetrating all spheres of human life and 
    activity. Digital technologies not only improve the quality of products and services, but also reduce 
    excess costs. At the same time, it will play a major role in eliminating the worst disease that hinders 
    the development of the country - corruption. 
    The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, paid great attention to this 
    area and said in his address to the Oliy Majlis on January 24, 2020: "In order to further develop 
    science in our country, to educate our youth as possessors of deep knowledge, high spirituality and 
    culture, to rapidly continue the work we have started on the formation of a competitive economy, and 
    to raise it to a new, modern level, I have established the year 2020 in our country as "Science, I 
    propose to call it the year of prosperity and digital economy development. In his Address, the 
    President touched on the digital economy several times and defined the task of developing the "Digital 
    Uzbekistan - 2030" program. 
    Within the framework of the research, local scientists J.Khambarov, N.J. Makhmudova, 
    among our local scientists on improving the process of informatization and digitalization in the field 
    of economy, played an important role in their scientific work in setting the rules of industrial economy 
    telecommunications, in setting technical standards, in supporting research and innovation, which in 
    turn contributed to the emergence of a new sector of the innovative economy - the digital market. 
    Therefore, the modern digital revolution is mainly related to market and technological innovations. 
    Most of the production activities and services are obtained through information technology. This 
    century has become the century of informatization and digitization of information. 

    Also, in the scientific article written by I.Yu.Umarov, suggestions and recommendations were 
    developed on ways to improve business efficiency in innovative management in the conditions of the 
    digital economy.
    In 1995, author Don Tapsot first used the term "Digital Economy" in the book "Digital 
    Economy: Promise and Peril in the Age of Intellectual Networking". Also, in the State program for 
    the implementation of the strategy for the further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan: "The 
    main factor of the production of the digital economy is digital data, using the results of processing 
    and analysis of large volumes, in comparison with traditional forms of management, different can 
    significantly increase the efficiency of various production, technologies, equipment, storage, sales, 
    delivery of goods and services.
    The method of analysis and synthesis was used to study the problems in the research work. In 
    addition, the methods of induction and deduction were widely used in the analysis of views and 
    opinions related to the research work. In the analysis of the data of the Statistical Committee of the 
    Republic of Uzbekistan, statistical data grouping, comparative analysis, and sample observation 
    methods were used. Scientific abstraction and other methods were used to enrich the content of the 
    work and give it concluding thoughts. 
    Over the past 15 years, we have seen tremendous growth in digital technologies and their 
    impact on our lives. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and other popular sites (youtube, etc.) are now 
    influencing consumers. In the modern economy, companies in the digital sector come to the fore and 
    become growth points that provide the economy with digital resources. 
    At the beginning of the 20th century, the main engines of the world economy were oil, 
    metallurgical and mechanical engineering enterprises, but today they are the largest companies in the 
    field of digital economy.
    Digital technologies have given birth to many new trends and startups. Almost all major 
    companies in the world (Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon) make extensive use of digital 
    technologies. Simply put, digital technologies are related to the development of computer 
    technologies, which include online services, electronic payments, crowd funding, etc. 
    A monitoring center for monitoring and improving the legislation of digital technologies was 
    established. The digital economy can be considered an additional layer to the traditional economy. 
    Although there is interaction between the layers, each layer requires its own regulation and rules. 
    Investments in digitalization by private companies in Uzbekistan make up 0.12% of GDP. By 
    comparison, the US has the highest rate in the world at 5%, followed by Western Europe at 3.9% and 
    Brazil at 3.6%. Thus, now Uzbekistan is 8-10 years behind the leading countries in terms of the level 
    of digitalization. 
    It is estimated that more than 50% of GDP growth in Uzbekistan by 2030 will be related to 
    the development of digital technologies. In addition, the main role here is played not only by the 
    development of the oil and gas industry, but also by the impact of this development - the overall 
    increase in the efficiency and competitiveness of other sectors of the country's economy. 
    According to preliminary forecasts, if the above factors are present, the contribution of 
    digitalization to the economic growth of Uzbekistan by 2030 will be more than 30% based on the 
    total accumulated since 2017. 

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