Task 3. Read the text “MOBILE PHONES” and translate orally
bet | 2/31 | Sana | 25.05.2024 | Hajmi | 161,76 Kb. | | #253870 |
Bog'liq English 20 ball Task 3. Read the text “MOBILE PHONES” and translate orally.
Picture 1.1.
Is talking on a mobile phone hazardous to your health? It is difficult to know for sure. Some research suggests that heavy users of mobile phones are at agreater risk of developing brain tumours. However, many other studies suggest there are no links between cancer and mobile phone use.
The main problem with the current research is that mobile phones have only been popular since the 1990s. As a result, it is impossible to study the long term exposure of mobile phone use. This concerns many health professionals who point out that many cancers take at least ten years to develop. Another concern about these studies is that many have been funded by those who benefit financially fromthe mobile phone industry.
Many cancers take 10 years to develop.
Over three billion people use mobile phones on a daily basis, and many talk for more than an hour a day. Mobile phone antennas are similar to microwave ovens.
While both rely on electromagnetic radiation, the radio waves in mobile phones are lower in radio frequency (RF). Microwave ovens have enough RF to cook food and are therefore known to be dangerous to human tissues. However, the concern is that the lower frequency radio waves that mobile phones rely on may also be dangerous. It seems logical that holding a heat source near your brain for a long period of time is a potential health hazard.
Mobile phones get hot when they are used for a long period of time.
Some researchers believe that other types of wireless technology may also be dangerous to human health, including laptops, cordless phones, and gaming consoles. Organizations that are concerned about the effects of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) suggest replacing all cordless devices with wired ones. They say that many cordless phones emit dangerous levels of EMR even when they arenot in use. They even suggest keeping electronic devices, such as computers andalarm clocks out of bedrooms, or at least six feet from your pillow.
Other wireless technology may also be hazardous to our health.
A growing number of health professionals worldwide are recommending that mobile phone users err on the side of caution until more definitive studies canbe conducted. They recommend that adults use head sets or speaker phones and that children and teens, whose brain tissue are still developing, use mobile phones only for emergencies. Concerned medical experts use the example of tobacco to illustrate the potential risks. Many years ago, people smoked freely and were not concerned about the effects of cigarettes on their health. Today, people know thatcigarettes cause lung cancer, though it is still unknown exactly how or why. Some doctors fear that the same thing will happen with devices such as mobile phones.
Translate- Tarjimasi
Mobil telefonda gaplashish sog’liq uchun xavflimi? Buni aniq bilish qiyin. Ba’zi tadqiqotlar shuni ko’rsatadiki, mobil telefonlardan og’ir foydalanuvchilarda miya shishi rivojlanish xavfi yuqori. Biroq, boshqa ko’plab
tadqiqotlar saraton va mobil telefondan foydalanish o’rtasida hech qanday bog’liqlik yo’qligini ko’rsatadi.
Hozirgi tadqiqotning asosiy muammosi shundaki, mobil telefonlar faqat 1990-yillardan beri ommalashgan. Natijada, mobil telefondan foydalanishning uzoq muddatli ta’sirini o’rganish mumkin emas. Bu ko’plab saraton kasalliklari rivojlanishi uchun kamida o’n yil kerakligini ta’kidlagan ko’plab sog’liqni saqlash mutaxassislariga tegishli. Ushbu tadqiqotlar bilan bog’liq yana bir tashvish shundaki, ko’pchilik mobil telefon sanoatidan moliyaviy foyda ko’ruvchilar tomonidan moliyalashtirilgan.
Ko’pgina saratonlar rivojlanishi uchun 10 yil kerak bo’ladi.
Uch milliarddan ortiq odam har kuni mobil telefonlardan foydalanadi va ko’pchilik kuniga bir soatdan ko’proq gaplashadi. Mobil telefon antennalari mikroto’lqinli pechlarga o’xshaydi. Ikkalasi ham elektromagnit nurlanishga tayansa-da, mobil telefonlardagi radio to’lqinlar radiochastotada (RF) pastroq. Mikroto’lqinli pechlar ovqat pishirish uchun etarli chastotaga ega va shuning uchun inson to’qimalari uchun xavfli ekanligi ma’lum. Biroq, tashvish shundaki, mobil telefonlar tayanadigan past chastotali radio to’lqinlar ham xavfli bo’lishi mumkin. Issiqlik manbasini
uzoq vaqt davomida miyangiz yonida ushlab turish salomatlik uchun xavf tug’dirishi mantiqan to’g’ri keladi.
Mobil telefonlar uzoq vaqt foydalanilganda qizib ketadi.
Ba’zi tadqiqotchilar simsiz texnologiyalarning boshqa turlari ham inson salomatligi uchun xavfli bo’lishi mumkin, deb hisoblashadi, jumladan, noutbuklar, simsiz telefonlar va o’yin pristavkalari. Elektromagnit nurlanish (EMR) ta’siridan xavotirda bo’lgan tashkilotlar barcha simsiz qurilmalarni simli qurilmalarga almashtirishni taklif qiladilar. Ularning ta’kidlashicha, ko’plab simsiz telefonlar foydalanilmayotganda ham xavfli darajadagi EMR chiqaradi. Ular hatto kompyuterlar va budilnik kabi elektron qurilmalarni yotoqxonadan uzoqroqda yoki yostig’ingizdan kamida olti fut masofada saqlashni taklif qilishadi.
Boshqa simsiz texnologiyalar ham sog’ligimiz uchun xavfli bo’lishi mumkin.
Butun dunyo bo’ylab tobora ko’payib borayotgan sog’liqni saqlash mutaxassislari mobil telefon foydalanuvchilariga aniqroq tadqiqotlar o’tkazilgunga qadar ehtiyotkor bo’lishni tavsiya qilmoqdalar. Ular
kattalarga naushnik yoki dinamik telefonlardan foydalanishni, miya to‘qimasi hali ham rivojlanayotgan bolalar va o‘smirlarga mobil telefonlardan faqat favqulodda vaziyatlarda foydalanishni tavsiya qiladi.
Xavotirga tushgan tibbiyot mutaxassislari potentsial xavflarni ko’rsatish uchun tamaki misolidan foydalanadilar. Ko’p yillar oldin odamlar erkin chekishgan va sigaretaning sog’lig’iga ta’siri haqida qayg’urishmagan. Bugungi kunda odamlar sigaretaning o’pka saratoniga olib kelishini bilishadi, ammo qanday qilib va nima uchun hozirgacha noma’lum. Ba’zi shifokorlar xuddi shu narsa mobil telefonlar kabi qurilmalar bilan sodir bo’lishidan qo’rqishadi.
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