“Ta’lim muassasalarida boshqaruv va o‘quv sifatini
takomillashtirish muammolari” – respublika ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi
creating conditions for the free expression of their talents and professional skills means the essence
of governance based on the principle of humanity.
Systemicity and unity of management. Based on a systematic approach to the management
of the educational institution, the leader will have a clear idea of the educational institution as a
whole system and its characteristics. The first feature of the system is its uniqueness and the fact
that it can be divided into parts and components. The second sign indicates the presence of the
internal structure of the system. The third sign is that the system can be integrated. Although each
component of
the system has its own quality, the interaction creates a new quality of system
integration. The fourth sign is that educational institutions are closely
linked to the external
environment. Because educational institutions adapt to the external environment, they rebuild the
educational process and subjugate the external environment to achieve their goals. Systemicity and
unity in management presupposes interaction and communication between the leader and the
teaching staff, preventing onesided management.
The rational combination of centralized and decentralized management. When there is more
centralization of governance, of course, there is more administrative governance. This situation
leads to disregard for the needs, requirements and desires of teachers and students, and unnecessary
labor and time spent by supervisors and teachers.
Also, if too much attention
is paid to decentralization, the pedagogical system will slow
The combination of centralization and decentralization in the management of an educational
institution makes the activities of administrative and public administration leaders in the public
interest and allows them to make decisions at the level of professionalism.
The principle of unity of self-government and public administration is aimed at preventing
monopoly in the management of the pedagogical process. In management activities, it is important
to draw reasonable conclusions based on the experience and knowledge of teachers, comparing
different perspectives. Collegial decision-making does not eliminate
the responsibility of each
team member.
In turn, there are specific aspects of autocracy. Sovereignty presupposes discipline, scope of
authority, and adherence to it in the pedagogical process.
While a collegial approach is acceptable in decision-making, it is
preferable to be subject to
autonomy in estimating the execution of a decision.
The state-public nature of the management of the education system facilitates the
implementation of this principle.
Objectivity and completeness of information in the management of the education system.
The effectiveness of education management also depends on how
accurate and complete the
information is. If the information is inaccurate, incomplete, or excessive, it can lead to confusion
in decision making.
We collect information about students' learning, but we focus on their interests, behaviors,
and personal orientation. That is why there are many deviations in the process of upbringing. The
head of the educational institution also acts as a manager. Therefore, he should be able to make
extensive use of observation, questionnaires, tests, instinctive and methodological materials in his
work. The administration of the educational institution should pay special attention to the
development of in-school information management technology
and its application in the
educational process. Effective use of information in the management process contributes to the
success of the educational institution. The information used to manage an educational institution
varies (Figure 38). The formation and rapid use of information resources enhances the scientific
organization of
The specificity of the school's internal management is clearly seen in the following tasks:
Pedagogical analysis of the educational process.
Goal setting and planning.
To organize.