• List of tables
  • Part One (1): General Information

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    List of figures

    Figure 2.1 Internet Value Chain: Input from Suppliers . . . 22

    Figure 2.2 Internet Value Chain: Internal Operations . . . 22

    Figure 2.3 Internet Value Chain: Customer Relation . . . . 23

    Figure 2.4 Web Marketing Mix (WMM) . . . . . 25

    Figure 2.5 ICDT Model . . . . . . . 29

    Figure 2.7 Classification of the ICDT model by level of

    Sophistication and customization . . . . . 30

    Figure 2.7 Online Marketing Tools . . . . . . 32

    Figure 4.1 The research “onion” . . . . . . 42

    Figure 5.1 Respondents level of education . . . . . 73

    Figure 5.2 Hotel Type . . . . . . . . 74

    Figure 5.3 Hotel Category . . . . . . . 75

    Figure 5.4 Hotel Size . . . . . . . . 76

    Figure 5.5 Location of Hotel . . . . . . . 77

    Figure 5.6 Distribution of used aspects in the Product Dimension . . 79

    Figure 5.7 Distribution of used aspects in the Price Dimension . . 81

    Figure 5.8 Distribution of used aspects in the Place Dimension . . 82

    Figure 5.9 Distribution of used aspects in the Promotion Dimension . 83

    Figure 5.10 Distribution of used aspects in the

    Customer Relation Dimension. . . . . . 84

    Figure 5.11 Dimensions of Hotels’ Internet Marketing Mix

    and Their Degree of Transformation . . . . 88

    List of tables

    Table 1.1 Ghana’s Internet Usage and Population Growth . . . 12

    Table 1.2 Members of Ghana Hotels Association

    and their location by Regions . . . . . 13

    Table 3.1 Extended internet marketing mix . . . . . 40

    Table 4.1 Research Paradigm . . . . . . . 44

    Table 4.2 Research Strategy . . . . . . . 48

    Table 4.3 Sample Design and Response Rate . . . . . 58

    Table 4.4 Demographic information of the respondents . . . 59

    Table 4.5 Internet marketing dimensions construct . . . . 63

    Table 4.6 Reliability statistic for marketing mix dimensions . . 70

    Table 5.1 Respondent educational level . . . . . 72

    Table 5.2 Hotel Type . . . . . . . . 73

    Table 5.3 Hotel Category . . . . . . . 74

    Table 5.4 Hotel Size . . . . . . . . 75

    Table 5.5 Location of Hotel . . . . . . . 77

    Table 5.6 Frequency, percentage of product dimension . . . 79

    Table 5.7 Frequency, percentage of price dimension . . . . 80

    Table 5.8 Frequency, percentage of place dimension . . . . 82

    Table 5.9 Frequency, percentage of promotion dimension . . . 83

    Table 5.10 Frequency, percentage of customer relation dimension. . . 84

    Table 5.11 Frequency and Degree of Transformation of each of the

    five Internet Marketing Dimensions . . . . 85
    Table 5.12 Case summary statistics of the Hotels Internet

    Marketing Mix Dimension. . . . . . 87

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