Passive attacks - This type is where the hacker tries to hack the computers by looking at the
weakness available. The main mission done by this type of hacking is to get information
about a specific company and not necessarily change any information.
The attack can either be active or passive reconnaissance. In the active reconnaissance the
attacker may try to access through ports scans while in passive, the attacker monitors the
activities done.
Methods of Passive
Dumpster diving – Here the intruder gets some of the information from dustbins. These are
saved passwords in the dustbin. They use the passwords to access the locked information and
covert the system entries. This tells you not to save passwords in your computer or forgetting
to delete them permanently in case anything happens to your machine, system or network.
War diving - This method is done by intruders getting vulnerable WIFI networks through
the processing of scanning. Mainly, this is done by a portable antenna by a moving vehicle.
Many people like accessing free WIFI in public places; this gives the intruders the chance to
access those open networks easily. The main aim of this hacking method is to access internet
Waterhole attacks – This name was inspired by these predators who like staying near the
watering hole to attack the prey. Now, the intruders stay near the niche of the sites to hunt
when the users access the website and try to attack using malware.
They attack the site by sending affected Html codes when the user clicks on the site it
redirects on other sites. Making them unable to access the specific information they were
looking for. Afterward, the compromised site infects the targeted users once they access the