• Datasheet
  • Datasheet view
  • Date/time field
  • Design view
  • Field
  • Form
  • Ma’lumotlar bazasi” fani bo‘yicha o‘quv-uslubiy majmua

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    УМК Маълумотлар Базаси

    Database schema
    Ma'lumotlar bazasida jadvallar yacheykasiga ma'lumotlarning bayoni va ma'lumotlarni uzatishni tashkil etish

    A description of the data, and the organization of the data, into tables in a relational database


    Ma'lumotlar uchun satrlar ustunlar sohalarda va yozuvlar bilan tashkil etish

    The data for a table organized with fields in columns and records in rows

    Datasheet view

    Satrlar ustunlar sohalarda va yozuvlar bilan, bir ma'lumot sahifasida bir stol asosiy tuzilishini ko'rish uchun ishlatiladi

    Used to display the basic structure of a table in a datasheet, with fields in columns and records in rows

    Date/time field

    Maydon sana yoki vaqtni saqlaydi

    A field that stores a date or time

    Decending order

    Oliy maqsadidan eng past uchun

    In order from highest to lowest

    Design view

    Jadvallar uchun maydon ta'riflar ko'rsatadi

    The table view that shows the field definitions for a table


    Jadval uchun ma'lumotlar

    The data for a field


    Jadvaldagi maydonlarni belgilaydi

    A column in a table. Used to store data


    Хақиқий вақтда маълумотларга аналитик ишлов бериш

    On-Line Analytical Processing


    Хақиқий вақтда транзакцияларга ишлов бериш

    On-Line Transaction Processing


    So`rovlar yordamida ma`lumotlarni ko`rishda ishlatiladi

    A database object used for entering records into a table, and for viewing existing records

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    Bosh sahifa

        Bosh sahifa

    Ma’lumotlar bazasi” fani bo‘yicha o‘quv-uslubiy majmua

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