Database schema |
Ma'lumotlar bazasida jadvallar yacheykasiga ma'lumotlarning bayoni va ma'lumotlarni uzatishni tashkil etish
A description of the data, and the organization of the data, into tables in a relational database
Datasheet |
Ma'lumotlar uchun satrlar ustunlar sohalarda va yozuvlar bilan tashkil etish
The data for a table organized with fields in columns and records in rows
Datasheet view |
Satrlar ustunlar sohalarda va yozuvlar bilan, bir ma'lumot sahifasida bir stol asosiy tuzilishini ko'rish uchun ishlatiladi
Used to display the basic structure of a table in a datasheet, with fields in columns and records in rows
Date/time field |
Maydon sana yoki vaqtni saqlaydi
A field that stores a date or time
Decending order |
Oliy maqsadidan eng past uchun
In order from highest to lowest
Design view |
Jadvallar uchun maydon ta'riflar ko'rsatadi
The table view that shows the field definitions for a table
Entry |
Jadval uchun ma'lumotlar
The data for a field
Field |
Jadvaldagi maydonlarni belgilaydi
A column in a table. Used to store data
Хақиқий вақтда маълумотларга аналитик ишлов бериш
On-Line Analytical Processing
Хақиқий вақтда транзакцияларга ишлов бериш
On-Line Transaction Processing
Form |
So`rovlar yordamida ma`lumotlarni ko`rishda ishlatiladi
A database object used for entering records into a table, and for viewing existing records