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  • Ma’lumotlar bazasi” fani bo‘yicha o‘quv-uslubiy majmua

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    УМК Маълумотлар Базаси

    Long integer
    Uzun butun toifa

    A field size that indicates a whole number

    Lookup field

    Maydondagi ma`lumotlarni saqlaydi

    A field that stores data; retrieved from a field in another table


    Jadval nomi bo`lib, soz orqali ifodalanadi

    Word or words, used to describe the data stored in a field

    Primary key

    Birlamchi kalit hisoblanadi

    A field in a table that is designated to contain unique data.


    Relatsion ma`lumotlar bazasini boshqarish tizimi

    (Relational Database Management System) A software application that contains tools to manage data, answer queries, create user-friendly forms for data entry, and generate printed reports.


    Jadvaldagi maydonlarni uchun ma'lumotlar majmui

    A set of data for fields in a table


    Ma'lumotlar bazasi obyekti. Satr va ustunlar ichiga tashkil etilgan tegishli ma'lumotlarni saqlaydi

    A database object that stores related data organized into rows and columns.

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    Ma’lumotlar bazasi” fani bo‘yicha o‘quv-uslubiy majmua

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