• Accending order
  • Autonumber field
  • Database
  • Termin O’zbek tilidagi sharhi

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    O’zbek tilidagi sharhi

    Ingliz tilidagi sharhi


    Strukturalangan so`rovlar tili

    Structured Query Language


    Microsoft Office RMBBT dasturi

    The Microsoft Office RDBMS application


    Jadval oxirigacha ma'lumotlarni qo'shish

    Adding data to the end of table

    Accending order

    Eng past va eng yuqori uchun sanada asoslangan matn sohasida alifbo tartibi

    In order from lowest to highest. Also called alphabetical order, when a sort is based on a text field, and chronological, when a sort is based on a date field

    Autonumber field

    Yozishga qaraganda katta maydonga qo`shimcha ravishda avtomatik saqlash

    A field that automatically stores a numeric value ,that is one greater than that in the last record added


    Tegishli ma`lumotlarni yig`ish

    An organized collection of related data

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