Mat Clark ielts speaking

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IELTS Speaking - Mat Clark

Producing a Good Quality Part Two Talk 
The Fluency-based Stategy 
This strategy focuses on the fluency aspect of the marking system. Earlier in this 
book we concluded that linking words and linking phrases can increase your "Fluency" 
score-this strategy is based on producing good quality linking structures in your two-
minute talk and combines these with complex sentence structures. 
First look at the following topic card. 
Describe a span that you like playing or watching. 
You should say: 
What the sport is 
How often you play / watch it 
Why you like it 
Whether it is popular in your country. 
The first thing to notice is that all topic cards have one thing in common. 
Look carefully at the 4 prompts on any topic card and you should notice that they 
all share the same grammar feature. 
What the sport is 
How often you play / watch it 
Why you like it 
Whether it is popular in your country 
Most people think that these are 4 questions. Look carefully - they are not 
questions; they are in fact a single clause or part of a sentence (statement). This fact is 
true for every Part Two topic card. 
For this strategy, you can divide your talk into 4 parts (the 4 prompts). Take the 
first one for example: "What the sport is". 
You can use this to create your opening sentence. 
"I guess I could begin by saying something about what the sport is, and I think I 
would have to choose football. Most people know that football is ..." 
This sentence has 3 strong features. It contains complex linking structures, 
redundant language and complex grammar (sentence structure). 
Another advantage of using this type of structure is that you don't really need 

Mat Clark – IELTS Speaking 
much content because you will probably spend almost one minute producing the complex 
linking phrases. 
If used correctly, this structure will have a positive affect on your "Fluency" and 
"Grammar" scores. 
Now look at the second prompt 
"How often you play / watch it (you need to change "you" to "I") 
The sentence might be: 
"Going on to my next point which is how often I play it, I really need to add that if 
I have enough time I usually play it about twice a week. In fact..." 
And then the third prompt: "Why you like it". The third sentence could be 
"And now with reference to why I like it, the point I want to make here is that…‖ 
And the last prompt: "Whether it is popular in your country". The fourth sentence: 
"And so finally then, if I have time, in answer to the question of whether it is 
popular in my country, really I should mention that…" 
So the final structure (without content) might look like this 
"I guess I could begin by saying something about what the sport is, and I think I 
would have to choose… 
Going on to my next point which is how often I play it, I really need to add that... 
And now with reference to why I like it, the point I want to make here is that. .. 
And so finally then, if I have time, in answer to the question of whether it is 
popular in my country, really I should mention that…‖ 
Practice reading the structure above. Depending on the speed it should take you 
between 30~45 seconds. This means that you only need about one minute of content. As 
there are 4 points, you only to find about seconds of actual content for each point. 
Now look at the next topic card with a complete structure with content. 
Decribe a famous person you would like to meet. 
You should say: 
Who the person is 
Why he/she is famous 
Why you would like to meet this celebrity 
What you would like to do if you met this person. 
―I guess I could begin by saying that something about who this person is, and I 
think I would have to choose the superstar Jackie Chan from Hong Kong. 
Going on to my next point which is why he is famous, I really need to add that he 
is a would-renowned martial arts film star as well as being a successful director. In fact 
he was probably the first Chinese actor to achieve blockbuster success in Hollywood. 
And now with reference to why I would like to meet this celebrity, the point I want 
to make here is that I have always been a big gan of martial arts movies, so if I had the 
chance to meet one of my childhood idols, it would be a dream come true. 
And so finally then, if I have time, in answer to the question of what I would like 
to do if I met him, really I should mention that I would probably ask him to teach me a 

Mat Clark – IELTS Speaking 
few special Kung Fu tricks and I would possibly invite him out for dinner at a classy 
restaurant or something like that.‖ 
The structure is complete in the example above but it probably needs slightly more 
content (maybe one more sentence for each point). However, there are many very good 
features in the example so far. 

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