Oliy va o‘rta ta’lim tizimida pedagogik – psixologik muammolarning zamonaviy yechimlari
Международная научно-техническая конференция «Практическое применение технических и
цифровых технологий и их инновационных решений», ТАТУФФ, Фергана, 4 мая 2023 г.
collections of documents that are shown for the purpose of evaluating them.
Electronic portfolio systems often include educational magazine and blog
services. The boundaries between electronic portfolio systems and VLE systems
are vague.
From the point of view
of the educational institution, the cloud makes
some of the parameters of work more accessible to control than in a situation
where students use the web sites of various providers with whom the educational
institution has no contractual relationship. The service
level agreement offered
by Microsoft and Google for several years guarantees a level of service that
schools are unlikely to provide on their own. Students rely on the VLE system
as a source of knowledge and assessment.
There are good arguments for the transfer of lower level computer
infrastructure to the cloud. Standard applications
that are widely used in
education, such as a word processor, spreadsheet editor, image editor, and e-
mail, can be provided in the same way. It remains to be seen, however, whether
all educational applications can be sufficiently standardized
to provide them
from the cloud. The full cost of providing IT services is rarely taken into
account by educational institutions, but well-founded concerns such as a desire
to avoid negative publicity can influence decision making. As a result, the
transition to cloud services may go to schools more slowly than in industry. On
the other hand, fans of cloud computing can underestimate
the real costs of
moving services outside the educational institution, both the actual costs of
migration, and the various ongoing services that may be required.