Meva va sabzavotlarni quyosh nurida quritish laboratorya
Iqbol Baxodirovna Savriyeva
Buxoro muhandislik-texnologiya instituti
Annotatsiya: Ushbu maqolada eksperimental namunaning dizayni ko‘rsatilgan,
xomashyoning yuklanish hajmi 100 kg, quyosh quritgichlari uchun umumiy maydoni
9 m
bo‘lgan havo isitgichlari qishloq xo‘jaligi mahsulotlari uchun qo‘llab tajriba
ishlari olib borildi. Tajriba davomida natijalar shuni ko‘rsatdiki vaqt (28 soat) olma
15% namlikgacha quritildi, nok 27% va nazorat namunalari 45-47% natijani
ko‘rsatdi. Harorat aniqlandi quritgichdagi havoni quyoshdan isitish 2 kVt/s ya’niy
1300 m
/soat quvvat bilan ishlayotgandagi natija. Tajriba jarayonida ushbu natijalar
ma’lum bo‘ldiki, loyhalangan quyosh quritgichining kamchiliklari va tavsiflari
batafsil bayon etilgan.
Kalit so‘zlar: quyosh quritgichi, harorat va namlik havo, isitish, issiqlik sig‘imi,
psixometr, gigrometr.
Laboratory device for drying fruits and vegetables in the sun
Iqbol Baxodirovna Savriyeva
Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology
Abstract: This article shows the design of the experimental sample, the
experimental work was carried out using agricultural heaters for agricultural products
with a load capacity of 100 kg of raw material and a total area of 9 m2 for solar
dryers. During the experiment, the results showed that the time (28 hours) the apples
were dried to a moisture content of 15%, the pears showed a result of 27% and the
control samples showed a result of 45-47%. The temperature was determined by
heating the air in the dryer from the sun at 2 kW / h, ie 1300 m3 / h. During the
experiment, it became clear that the shortcomings and characteristics of the designed
solar dryer are described in detail.