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One of the first things you learn when you get into information systems is how wonderful
database systems are and how many wonderful opportunities abound by using the
Internet to interface with your database. One of the last things people mention is how
hard it is to translate information back and forth between the two. There is currently no
standard way of marrying the Internet to existing databases. Sure, there are plenty of
solutions that involve many, many lines of code in the form of CGI (common
gateway interface) scripts, but there isn’t a really standardized way of making an SQL
query and generating a report over the Internet. Furthermore, once you’ve generated the
query, the results that come back to you are not necessarily the most useful. Sure they
be in a pretty HTML page, but then what? How do you export that data into Excel or
some other package for further processing? Cutting and pasting is an option, but it is
cumbersome and irritating and scales very poorly with larger data sets. Figure 2.10
illustrates this problem.