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    1. Gurus in Government G’G’ The Economist. 2008. May 20. pp. 25-26.

    1. Asanuma B. Manufacturer-supplier relationships in Japan and relation specific skillG’G’Journal of the Japanese and International Economies. – 2009 - p.9.

    2. Lawrence Robert Z. JapanFs different trade regime: An Analysis with particular. Reference to Keiresu G’G’ The Journal of Economic Perspectives. – Summer2008. Vol.7, Issue 3., p. 11.

    3. New dawn for Japanese holdings G’G’ International Tax ReviewG’ - 2007G’ #9- p. 10.

    4. Jones Charles P. Investmens: analysis and management. – New York: 2008G’ - 786 p.

    5. Kolb Robert W. A practical approach to investing. – Boston: 2008. – 706 p.

    1. Meier G. Private Foreign Investment in Developing Countries. Policy Perspectives. – San Francisco: 2008. – 42 p.

    2. Slavin Stephen L. Microeconomis. – New York: McGraw-Hill, 2009. – 495 p.

    1. Intеrnеt tizimidagi vеb-saytlar

    1. http:G’G’centrasia.org

    1. http:G’G’jahon.mfa.uz

    1. http:G’G’news.maas.ru

    1. http:G’G’ukroil.com.ua

    1. http:G’G’www.dp.ru

    2. http:G’G’www.globalaffairs.ru

    1. http:G’G’www.spc.gov.uz

    1. http:G’G’www.unctad.org

    1. http:G’G’www.uzbekinvest.com

    1. Statistik to`plamlar

    1. Osnovno’е pokazatеli sosialno-ekonomichеskogo razvitiya Rеspubliki Uzbеkistan za 2008 god.

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