Ommabop ixtirolar

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Ariza, czMVfVlMVziLGuK90FBDmVs7H2SmXjIPB8dKjRnt, Бемор, ANORBANK, triclilpol a2012-libre
Rubik kubi“ (ommadagi varianti Kubik-Rubik; dastavval „Magic Kub“ kabi nom bilan atalgan, ven.Bűvös kocka) — mexanik boshqotirma, 1974-yili vengriyalik haykaltaroshmasonvunderkindarxitektora oʻqituvchisi Ernő Rubik tomonidan oʻylab topilgan.3x3x3 kubini eng tez yigʻish rekordi Yusheng Du tomonidan oʻrnatilgan, 3.47 soniyaga teng.

  • XVI asrda quyosh soatiga ega portativ davul soati. 24 soatlik qo'ng'iroqning tashqi qismida rim raqamlari, ichki qismida esa arabcha raqamlar mavjud[1] XVI asrda Evropada boshlangan, bu erda soatlar birinchi bo'lib XV asrda paydo bo'lgan portativ bahorda harakatlanadigan soatlardan rivojlandi.

  • 1926 yildagi jim filmda Aleksandr Grem Bellning obrazini aktyor. Bellning birinchi telefon uzatuvchisini ko'rsatadi (mikrofon), 1876 yilda ixtiro qilingan va birinchi bo'lib yuz yillik ko'rgazmada namoyish etilgan,

  • Kino XIX - tarixning eng qiziq kashfiyoti. 1895 yilda bo'lib o'tgan kino o'sha yilgi barcha texnik yangiliklardan ko'ra ko'proq e'tiborni tortdi. Kinoga yaqin boʻlgan turli komponentlar (fonograf, fotosurat, kinetoskop — Tomas Alva Edison, Dikson tomonidan) topilgan boʻlsa-da, ularning masjididan yaratilgan kinematograflar Oqust va Lümyer nomlari bilan bogʻlangan. Kinematografiya butun dunyoni boshdan kechirdi.

  • Gaz bilan ishlaydigan birinchi yarokli Ichki yonish dvigatelini fransuz mexanigi E. Lenuar (1860) loyihalagan; 1876 yilda nemis kashfiyotchisi N. Otto ancha mukammal 4 taktli Ichki yonish dvigateli yasagan. Rossiyada 1880-yillarda O. S. Kostovich benzin bilan ishlaydigan karbyuratorli dvigatel yasadi. R. Dizel 1897 yilda yonilgʻini siqilgan havo alan-galatadigan Ichki yonish dvigateli (dizel)nn taklif qildi. AKD1 da Ichki yonish dvigateli oʻrnatilgan birinchi traktor 1901 yilda ishlab chiqildi; aka uka O. va U. Raitlar Ichki yonish dvigateli oʻrna-tilgan dastlabki samolyotni yasashdi; bunday samolyotlar 1903 yilda ucha boshladi. Shu yili rus muxandislari Ichki yonish dvigatelini "Vandal" kemasiga oʻrnatishib, birinchi teploxodni yaratishdi. 1924 yilda Rossiyada Ya. M. Gakkel loyihasi boʻyicha birinchi teplovoz qurildi. 1957 yilda rotorporshenli Vankel dvigateli yaratildi. Hozirgi paytda Ichki yonish dvigateli avtomobillar, qishloq xoʻjaligi va yoʻl qurilishi ma-shinalarida, oʻziyurar harbiy texnikada, mototsikllar va b.da keng ishlatilmoqda.

    OMMABOP INVENTIONS 1. Paper 2.Compass 3.Violin 4.Computer 5. Bulb 6.Cubic-rubic 7.Soat 8.Phone 9.Kino 10.Engine 1. Paper. Sai Lun invented it in ancient China in the 1st century BC. The Chinese kept the secret of how to make paper. The death penalty was the basis for his disclosure. Nevertheless, the mystery was revealed. Once the Arabs defeated the Chinese army and captured the captives. They try a method of making paper from captured Chinese. Paper according to the Chinese method It was made in Korea in the 6th century and in Japan in the 7th century. Japanese paper surpassed China in quality, with the Japanese producing about 300 different types of paper. The paper gradually spread around the world from one country to another: in the VIII century it appeared in Baghdad, in the XIII century - in Venice. Paper conquered Europe in the 16th century. In the 18th century, Peter I made a major contribution to paper production: by his decree, several paper mills were built. That's how the paper saw the world. Today it is used in all fields. 2.Compass. The compass was invented by the Chinese long ago. It was built in the 3rd century BC by the Chinese philosopher Hen Fei-Xi. Chinese compasses of this type were adopted by the Arabs in the 12th century. In the 13th century, the "moving needle" was introduced to Europeans. It was first adopted by Italian sailors from the Arabs. Through them the compass spread to the Spaniards, Portuguese and French, and later to the English and Germans 3. 4.1943-1945 The first at the University of Pennsylvania in the United States was Mouchli and Eckert, a giant electronic computer - ENIAC, which weighed about 70 tons, occupies a room of 150 square meters and has 18,000 electronic lamps. He ushered in the era of electronic computers. In 5.1879, the inventor Thomas Edison (1847–1931) also invented the light bulb, which we use today, closer to the household item. However, Swan's experiments were the basis of his invention, and Thomas perfected it. As a result, in 1880, he began producing and selling the first bulbs for $ 2.5 a bulb. Some time later, Joseph Swan and Thomas Edison decided to combine their resources and knowledge, and Edison and Swan United Electric Light Company was formed. 5. Rubik's Cube (popularly known as Cubic-Rubik; originally known as Magic Cube, Ven: Bövös kocka) is a mechanical puzzle invented in 1974 by Hungarian sculptor, mason, prodigy, and teacher of architecture Ernő Rubik. The fastest record to assemble a 3x3x3 cube was set by Yusheng Du in 3.47 seconds. 6.
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