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6. O’zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining Matbuot markazi sayti:
7. O’zbekiston Respublikasi Davlat Hokimiyati portali: www.gov.uz
8. Axborot-kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari izohli lug'ati, 2004, UNDP DDI:
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to the Educational Programme on advanced training
and retraining pedagogical staff of
the Higher Educational Institutions on Pharmacy direction
The Educational Programme on advanced training and retraining pedagogical staff of the
Higher Educational Institutions on Pharmacy direction is compiled in conformity with a Decree №
PD -4732 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on June 12, 2015 “Measures on improving
advanced training and retraining leading and pedagogical staff
of the Higher Educational
Institutions”. It is aimed on the improving modern requirements to advanced training and retraining
processes and enhancing professional competence of pharmaceutics professional staff.
The teaching staff of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute developed the Programme,
based on
normative documents and legal norms, advanced manufacturing sciences
and pedagogical skills,
using information-communicative technologies, practical English, system analysis, decision-making
principles, special subjects, scientific-practical
investigations, technological progress and
organizing educational process using up-to-date methods, pedagogical professional competence and
global Internet, knowledge of multimedia and distance teaching methods,
knowledge and skills.
It can be recommended to teach of advanced training and retraining pedagogical staff of
Pharmacy specialty.