O’zbekistonda soliq siyosatini takomillashtirishning ustivor
Nasrulla Tashmuratovich Tilabov
Toshkent davlat iqtisodiyot unversiteti
Maqolada soliq yukini
izchillik bilan kamaytirish, soliq solish
tizimini soddalashtirish va soliq ma’muriyatchiligini takomillashtirish
jadal rivojlantirish hamda mamlakatning investisiyaviy jozibadorligini yaxshilashda
soliq siyosatini ustivor yo’nalishlari bayon etilgan. Shu bilan birga, mazkur sohada bir
maromda iqtisodiy o’sishga, ishbilarmonlik va investisiyaviy
faollikni oshirishga,
sog’lom raqobat muhitini shakllantirishga,
shuningdek, soliqlar va boshqa
to’lovlar yig’iluvchanligining zarur darajasini ta’minlashga to’sqinlik
qilayotgan bir
qator tizimli muammolar ochib berilgan hamda zamonaviy axborot-kommunikasiya
texnologiyalarini keng joriy etish hisobiga soliq qonunchiligini
yuzasidan aniq tavsiya va xulosalar ilmiy jihatdan asoslab berilgan.
Kalit so’zlar:
soliqlar, soliq siyosati,
soliq kodeksi, investisiya, majburiy
to’lovlar, axborot-kommunikasiya, imtyozlar, erkinlashtirish, soddalashtirish
The main directions of improving tax policy in Uzbekistan
Nasrulla Tashmuratovich Tilabov
Tashkent State University of Economics
The article describes the main directions of tax policy in the conditions
of rapid economic development and increasing the investment attractiveness of the
country, consistent reduction of the tax burden, simplification of the taxation system
and improvement of tax administration.
At the same time, a number of systemic
problems have been identified in this area
that hinder economic growth, increase
business and investment activity, the formation of a healthy competitive environment,
as well as ensuring the necessary level of tax and other mandatory fees and specific
recommendations and conclusions on tax simplification legislation in connection with
the widespread introduction of modern information and communication technologies
is scientifically justified.