• Data Base Development (1 month)
  • Django (1 month)
  • Django RestFramework (1 month)
  • Python Backend Course Methodology Teacher: Samandar Bozorboyev Python (1 month)

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    Python Backend Course Methodology
    dasturlash mustaqil ish bozorboyev, dasturlash amaliy1, webdasturlash1 yaxshiboyev, yaxshiboyev mustaqil ish dasturlash, dasturlash1 yaxshiboyev, mirjaol dasturlash2

    Python Backend Course Methodology
    Teacher: Samandar Bozorboyev

    Python (1 month)

    1. Python | Install and Setup

    2. Python | Variables and Data types

    3. Python | String methods

    4. Python | Arithmetic

    5. Python | Conditional Statements

    6. Python | Differences of List, Tuple, Set and Dictionary

    7. Python | Functions

    8. Python | Loops

    9. Python | Classes and Objects

    10. Python | Magic methods

    11. Python | Object Oriented Programming

    12. Python | Context manager and Decorators

    Data Base Development (1 month)

    1. PostgreSQL | Setup

    2. PostgreSQL | Create Database

    3. P ostgreSQL | Data Types

    4. PostgreSQL | Enter data

    5. PostgreSQL | Null and Default values

    6. PostgreSQL | SELECT

    7. PostgreSQL | Operators

    8. PostgreSQL | AND vs OR

    9. PostgreSQL | Like, Between, IN, delete data

    10. PostgreSQL | Primary Key

    11. PostgreSQL | Alter Table

    12. PostgreSQL | Join

    Django (1 month)

    1. Django | Internet technologies and web programming architecture

    2. D jango | Hello world project

    3. Django | Models

    4. Django | Views and templates

    5. Django | Html, Css, Bootstrap

    6. Django | Function based views and Class based views

    7. Django | Forms

    8. Django | Authentication

    9. Django | ORM

    10. Django | Admin Panel

    11. Django | Signals

    12. Django | Project 1 part

    13. Django | Project 2 part

    Django RestFramework (1 month)

    1. R ESTAPI | Installing and first API endpoint

    2. RESTAPI | Serializer and Status codes

    3. RESTAPI | CRUD views

    4. RESTAPI | Generic views

    5. RESTAPI | Postman, Swagger and Redoc

    6. RESTAPI | APIView

    7. RESTAPI | Serializer and ModelSerializer

    8. RESTAPI | Validation and FieldValidation

    9. RESTAPI | Authentication and Permissions

    10. RESTAPI | Viewset and Routers

    11. RESTAPI | Pagination and Filters

    12. RESTAPI | Django Admin Jazmin

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    Bosh sahifa

        Bosh sahifa

    Python Backend Course Methodology Teacher: Samandar Bozorboyev Python (1 month)

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