INTRODUCTION (Abstract of the dissertation of Doctor
of philosophy (PhD))
The aim of the research is to identify
the historical processes
associated with the cooperation of Uzbekistan with international
organizations and foreign countries in the field of healthcare (1991-2021).
The object of the research was the state of cooperation
in the healthcare
sector of Uzbekistan in 1991-2021, reforms and changes in the field.
The scientific novelty of the research is as follows:
despite the creation in Uzbekistan of the necessary legal guarantees for
establishing international relations in the field of healthcare,
for strengthening
relations with authoritative international organizations and foreign countries, there
are not enough measures in the regions to study foreign experience in this area.
based on the fact that there are specific problems, such as the lack of measures, the
sending of medical personnel to foreign countries for advanced training, or the fact
that the scale of work to promote the best practices of foreign specialists lags
behind demand;
reasons that prevented the expansion of the scale of international cooperation
in the field of healthcare (lack of systemic cooperation in this area with various
foreign countries, the fact that relations in most cases are carried out in the form of
humanitarian aid,
medical education, insufficient development of foreign
cooperation in the system, lagging behind modern
requirements of medical
technology in the application of foreign experience in Uzbekistan) and problems in
the development of foreign cooperation (in many places the level of establishing
relations between medical workers and foreign colleagues and the slow level of
learning foreign languages);
in systemic reforms, the growing dynamics of relations with the countries of
Europe and Asia was formed on the example of cooperation with countries such as
Germany, Japan,
South Korea, which led to positive changes in medicine in
Uzbekistan (the spread of tuberculosis among the population,
maternal and child
morbidity and mortality (in the context of regions showed a decrease in the
dynamics of the indicator, the use of foreign experience in the process of training
medical personnel);
Breastfeeding as a result of implementation of the WHO Health for All, Baby
Friendly Hospital and Health for All strategies,
UNICEF Baby Friendly Health
Facility. in young children decreased by 77%, jaundice by 50%, intestinal paresis
by 65%.